“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”


    For Immediate Release
    September 04, 2024
    Contact: Communication and Alumni Relations Office
    Rafik Hariri University
    009615603090 Ext. 603 - 755

    Welcome, all students. We are ready to support you every step of the way

    RHU is eagerly anticipating an academic year ignited with hope and enthusiasm. RHU welcomes all returning and new students to the academic year 2024-2025. To help students get oriented and provide them with important guidelines, the RHU Student Affairs Office has put together a starter kit. The Student Affairs Office is in Block E, and the staff is there to assist all students.


    RHU invites all students to embrace the bright promise of this fresh beginning as it unfolds with the emerging dawn.

Latest Events

  • April 29, 2025
    11:00 AM-12:00 PM
    Nazek Rafik Hariri Distinguished Series, Lecture 7, Dr. Gus Eghneim, OOP, MEA