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/Research Publications
College of Business Administration
College of Engineering
College of Arts and Sciences
Course Offerings
Final Examination
Student Catalog
Academic Calendar
Research Groups and Centers
Research Publications
Research Publications
College of Business Administration
Work in Progress or in Review
Bizri, R. M. Internationalization of the Family Firm: Evidence from the Middle East. Work-in-progress.
Bizri, R. M., Hammoud, J. The Entrepreneurial University; A New Model for Developing Nations, CNRS-funded. Work-in-progress.
Bizri, R. M., Wahbe, M. (Forthcoming). The Influence of CSR on Employee Performance, work-in-progress.
Bizri, R. M., Baasiri, M. (Forthcoming). Credit Risk Management in the Banking Sector during Low-Growth Periods: Evidence from Lebanon, In-review.
Hammoud, J., Abdel Baki, D. Does Lebanon have a Favorable Environment for Entrepreneurship? Work-in-progress
Mozahem, N. A. Category Dynamics and Cluster Spanning During the Emergence of the Lebanese Newspaper Industry (1851 -1879). Heliyon. In-review.
Mozahem, N.A., & Ghanem, C. M. The University is an Organization: Teaching Organizational Behavior by Relying on Students’ University Experience. Management Teaching Review. In-review.
Tarabay, M., Hammoud, J. Determinants of M&A Premiums: Empirical Evidence from Kuwaiti Firms. In-review.
Hammoud Jamil. (2017). Lebanese Economic Performance since the Outbreak of the Syrian Crisis: 2011-2016.
In Lebanon: Political, Social and Economic Issues (eds)
. Nova Publishers, New York, USA.
Bizri, R. M. (2017). Diversity Management and OCB: The Connection (Evidence from the Lebanese Banking Sector),
Equality, diversity and inclusion: An international journal
, Vol. 00, No. 00, (Just accepted).
Class B-Journal in ABDC Ranking
Bizri, R.M. (2017). Financing family-firms in the Middle East: The choice between Islamic and conventional finance,
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
, Vol 00, No. 00 (Just accepted).
Class B-Journal in ABDC Ranking
Bizri, R. M. (2017). Refugee-entrepreneurship: a social capital perspective. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 1-22. Class A-Journal in ABDC Ranking
Tarabay M, Hammoud J (2017). Abnormal Returns to Shareholders of M&A Participating Firms: Evidence from the Kuwaiti Stock Market
. J Bus Fin Aff
6: 259. doi: 10.4172/21670234.1000259
Mozahem, N. A. (2017). Cluster Formation as a Representation of the Category Space: A Two-Level Theoretical Model Tested Within the Context of the Lebanese Newspaper Industry (1851-1974).
, 7(2).
Bizri, R. (2016). Succession in the family business: drivers and pathways.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
(1), 133-154.
Class B-Journal in ABDC Ranking
Hakim, R., (2016). Are Accounting Graduates Prepared For Their Careers? A Comparison of Employees’ and Employers’ Perceptions.
Global Review of Accounting and Finance
, 7(2), 140-156.
Hakim, R., Bizri, R. (2015). Education Gap in the Accounting Profession: Employers’ Perceptions.
World Review of Business Research
, 5(3), 13-29.
Hakim, R. R. C., & Bizri, R. M. (2015). The Education Gap in the Accounting Profession Evidence from Lebanon,
World Review of Business Research
, 5(3) September Issue, 13-29.
Bizri, R. (2014). A study of Islamic banks in the non-GCC MENA region: evidence from Lebanon.
International Journal of Bank Marketing
(2), 130-149.
Class B-Journal in ABDC Ranking
Chaya, J. (2013). Beirut Real Estate Twilight.
Middle Eastern Finance and Economics Journal
Issue, (19), pp93-105.
Bizri, R. M., Kojok, A., Dani, A., Mokahal, M., & Bakri, M. (2012). Barriers to entrepreneurial endeavors in a developing economy.
World Journal of Social Sciences
(6), September Issue, 79-100.
Hammoud, Jamil. (2011). Consultative Authority Decision Making: On the Characterization and Development of Arab Corporate Culture.
International Journal of Business and Social Science
. Vol 2, No. 9, April.
Hammoud, Jamil. (2010). Learning from the Evidence: Toward a Framework for Arab Economic Reform.
In Globalization, Democratization and Radicalization in the Arab World (eds),
Mcmillan Publishing, UK.
Hammoud, Jamil. (2008). Arab Economic Thought and the Challenge of Globalization.
Tasamoh Journal
, fall 2008
Conference Papers
Bizri, R., & El Bizri, I. (2017). Challenges Facing the Islamic Banking Industry in the MENA Region: A Comparative Study, INCEIF, International Congress of Islamic Economy, Finance and Ethics, Istanbul.
Bizri, R. M. (2017). Family Entrepreneurial Teams under the TPB Lens. In
Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship as Driving Forces of the Global Economy
(pp. 571-577). Springer International Publishing. doi:
Bizri, R. M. (2017). Can Diversity Management Pay Off? Influence of Diversity Management on Antecedents of OCB 40th International Business Research Conference, Dubai. ISBN: 978-1-925488-27-2
Hammoud, J. (2016). The State of Project Management: Importance, Present Challenges and Future Directions. Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) 20
Vienna, Austria, September
Hammoud, J. (2016). The Opportunities and Challenges of Islamic Banking in Lebanon. In
Leadership, Innovation and Entrepreneurship as Driving Forces of the Global Economy
. Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-43434-6
Chaya, J. (2016). Bicultural Individuals in International Business Negotiations: The Chinese Environment. Virginia International University Business School's International Business Conference, Virginia, United States.
Chaya, J. (2016). Loan Maturity Structure and the Actualization of Production”. University of Rome Tor Vergara’s economics department seminar series. Rome, Italy.
Chaya, J. (2016). Loan Maturity Structure and the Actualization of Production”. American University of Beirut’s economics department seminar series. Beirut, Lebanon.
Chaya, J. (2015). Financial Non-Neutrality: The Inextricable Link between Inequality and Monetary Policy”. Academy for Global Business Advancement, 12th annual conference, Malaysia.
Chaya, J. (2015). Usury Past and Present: The Morality of Financial Behavior. Haigazian University’s seminar series. Beirut, Lebanon.
Hammoud, J. (2015). The National Management of Lebanon’s Black Gold: Lessons from International Experiences. Mediterranean International Gas and Oil Conference (MedGO), Beirut, Lebanon, April
Hammoud, J., Kotob, M. (2015). The Attractiveness of Family Owned Businesses from a Career Development Perspective.” The 21
LAAS International Science Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, April.
Bizri, R. M., & Hammoud, J. A. (2015, April). The role of universities in HR capacity building for Lebanon's prospective petroleum industry: The case of RHU's MBA in Oil & Gas management. In
Gas and Oil Conference (MedGO), 2015 International Mediterranean
(pp. 1-4). IEEE. Doi: 10.1109/MedGO.2015.7330338, 2015
Bizri, R. M. (2014) Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Evidence from Lebanon, International Business Research Conference, Imperial College, UK. ISBN: 9781922069467.
Hammoud, J. (2013). Out of Robotic Constructs and into Realistic Science: A Critique of Conventional Economic Wisdom. Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) 16
Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, May.
Hammoud, J. (2013). Lost Between East and West: A Perspective on the Evolution of Arab Business Ethics. Do Cultures Matter? Business Ethics in China, Japan and the Arab World Conference. Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, Germany, May.
Hammoud, J. (2013). Economics and the Exact Science Complex. The 19
LAAS International Science Conference. Beirut, Lebanon, April.
Bizri, R. M. (2013). Customer Profile of Islamic Banks in Lebanon, Islamic Banking Symposium Business School, American University of Sharjah, UAE.
Elkanj N, Tarabay M., and Yaccoub C (2013). The Beta-Index and Beta-Mobility Idea and Empirics. Global Conference on Business and Finance Proceedings. Volume 8, Number 1.
Elkanj N, Yaacoub C, and Tararbay M (2013). How Does Foreign Direct Investment Affect Economic Growth of Arab Countries? Global Conference on Business and Finance Proceedings. Volume 8, Number 1.
Bizri, Kojok, Dani, Mokahal, and Bakri (2012). Barriers to Entrepreneurial Endeavors in a Developing Economy, International Business Research Conference, World Business Institute, Dubai.
Hammoud, J. (2011). The impact of Islam on Arab Corporate Culture and Practices.” Annual International Conference on Sociology. Athens Institute for Education and Research. Athens, Greece, May.
Hammoud, J. (2008). The Socio-Cultural Context of Arab Corporate Culture.” Corporate Culture in a Global Perspective: China, Japan and the Middle East Conference. Bremen University of Applied Sciences. Bremen, Germany.
College of Engineering
Journal Publications
Diab N.
and Smaili A., 2017, “An Ants-Search based method for optimum synthesis of compliant mechanisms under various design criteria”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 114, 85-97.
Diab N.
and Lakkis I., 2016, "Modeling Squeezed Films in the Vicinity of High Inertia Oscillating Micro-Structures, ASME Journal of Tribology, 138(3), doi: 10.1115/1.4032951.
Diab N.
and Lakkis I., 2014, "Modeling Squeezed Films in the Vicinity of High Inertia Oscillating Micro-Structures, ASME Journal of Tribology, 136(2), doi:10.1115/1.4026588.
Diab N.
and Lakkis I., 2013, Investigation of the Dynamics of Squeeze Film Under a Harmonically Oscillating Micro Cantilever Beam, TSEST Transaction on Control and Mechanical Systems, Vol. 2, No. 4.
Diab N.
and Smaili A., 2008, Optimum exact/approximate point synthesis of planar mechanisms, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 43 (12): 1610-1624.
Smaili A. and
Diab N
., 2007, A New Approach to Shape Optimization for Closed Path Synthesis of Planar Mechanisms, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 129 (9): 941-948.
Smaili A. and
Diab N
., 2007, Optimum Synthesis of Hybrid-Task Mechanisms Using Ant-Gradient Search Method, Mechanism and Machine Theory 42 (1): 115-130.
Smaili A.,
Diab N
., and Atallah N., 2005, Optimum Synthesis of Mechanisms Using Tabu-Gradient Search Algorithm, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 127 (5): 917-923.
, R.Ammer, M.Koza, H.E.Fischer, E.Lelièvre-Berna, L.Hennet, S.Magazu, F.Kargl, "Aerodynamic levitation and laser heating of samples at IN6", ILL news 51 8-9, 2009.
, L.Hennet, H.E.Fischer, M.Koza, S.Brassamin, S.Magazu, F.Kargl "Levitation apparatus for Time-Of-Flight inelastic neutron scattering investigations on high-temperature liquids" Physica Status Solidi C 8 3155-3158, 2011.
V.Cristiglio, L.Hennet, G.J.Cuello, I.Pozdnyakova, M.Leydier,
, H.E.Fischer, M.R.Johnson, D.L.Price "Neutron diffraction study of molten calcium aluminates" Journal of Non Crystalline Solids 356 2492–2496, 2010.
L.Hennet, I.Pozdnyakova, A.Bytchkov, J.W.E.Drewitt,
, M.Leydier, S.Brassamin, D.Zanghi, H.E.Fischer, G.N.Greaves, D.L.Price. "Application of time resolved x-ray diffraction to study the solidification of glass-forming melts." High Temperatures - High Pressures 40 263-270, 2011.
L.Hennet, V.Cristiglio,
J. Kozaily
, I.Pozdnyakova, H.E.Fischer, A.Bytchkov, J.W.E.Drewitt, M.Leydier, D.Thiaudière, S.Gruner, S.Brassamin, D.Zanghi, G.J.Cuello, M.Koza, S.Magazu, G.N.Greaves, D.L.Price "Aerodynamic levitation and laser heating. Applications at synchrotron and neutron sources." European Physical Journal Special Topics 196 151–165, 2011.
N. Jakse, M. Bouhadja,
J. Kozaily
, J. W. E. Drewitt, L. Hennet, D. R. Neuville, H. E. Fischer, V. Cristiglio, and A. Pasturel, “ Interplay between non-bridging oxygen, triclusters, and fivefold Al coordination in low silica content calcium aluminosilicate melts” Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 201903, 2012.
M.Liu, A. Jacob, C. Schmetterer, P. Masset, L. Hennet, H.E.Fischer,
J. Kozaily
, S. Jahn and A. Gray-Weale, “From atomic structure to excess entropy: A neutron diffraction and density functional theory study of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 metls”, Angus Article reference: JPCM-104998.R1, 2015.
L. Hennet, J.W.E. Drewitt, D. Neuville, V. Cristiglio,
J. Kozaily
, S. Brassamin, D. Zanghi, H.E.Fischer, “Neutron Diffraction of calcium aluminosilicate glasses and melts”, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 451, 89-93, 2016.
F. Demmel, L. Hennet, S. Brassamin, D. R. Neuville,
J. Kozaily
, M. M. Koza “Nickel self-diffusion in a liquid and undercooled NiSi alloy” Phys. Rev. B 94 014206 (2016)
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Moukalled F., " The Effect of Planet Thermal Conductance on Conversion of Solar Energy into Wind Energy", Int'l. Jnl. of Renewable Energy, Pergamon, Vol. 4, pp. 53-58, 1994.
Moukalled, F.,
Nuwayhid R.
, and Noueihed N., "The Efficiency of Endoreversible Heat Engines with Heat Leak", Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 19, pp. 377-389, 1995.
Wilson D.G., Saba E.F,
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, and Hamrin D., " A Waste-to-Energy Recycling Plant for Beirut", Jnl. of Power and Energy, Proc. IMechE, Vol. 209, 1995.
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Goddard A.J.H., "The Potential for Gas-Cooled Reactor Development ", Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 19, pp. 761-789, 1995.
Moukalled, F.,
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, "The Efficiency at Maximum Power Output of a Carnot Engine With Heat Leak ", Intl. Jnl. of Mechanical Engineering Education, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 157-165, 1995.
Moukalled F.,
Nuwayhid R.
, and Lakkis I,. " Transient Thermal Performance of Axially and Radially Diluted Nuclear Fuel Cells", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 231-252, 1995
Moukalled F.,
Nuwayhid R.
, and Lakkis I,. " Transient Thermal Performance of a Radially Diluted and Centrally Cooled Nuclear Fuel Cell", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 687-705, 1995
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Ayoub G.M., Abi-Said S., Saba E.F., " The Solid Waste Management Scene in Greater Beirut", Journal of Waste Management & Research, Vol. 14, pp. 171-187, 1996.
Moukalled, F.,
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, and Fattal S., "A Universal Model for Studying the Performance of Carnot-Like Engines at Maximum Power", Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 20, pp 203-214, 1996
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Moukalled F., " On the Power and Efficiency of Thermoelectric Devices", In Recent Advances in Finite Time Thermodynamics, Ed. Chih, N. Chapter 24, 1999, Nova Publishing, New York
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Moukalled F., Noueihed N., “ On Entropy Generation in Thermoelectric Devices”, Energy Conversion & Management, Vol. 41, pp. 891-914, 2000
Abboud N., Khoury B,
Nuwayhid R.
, Abu Ibrahim O,“ The Application of a Computational Model for MSW Management in Greater Beirut’, International Jnl. of Environmental Studies. Vol. 3, 2000.
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Mrad F., Abou Said R.,“ The Realization of A Simple Solar Tracking Concentrator for University Research Applications”, Renewable Energy, Vol. 24, pp. 207-222, 2001
Nuwayhid R.Y.
“Thermoelectricity Physics Basics for Mechanical Engineering Students”, Intl. Jnl. of Mechanical Engineering Education, Vol. 30, No.4, October 2002
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Moukalled F., “The Effect of Heat-Leak on the efficiency of Endoreversible Cascaded Heat Engines", Energy Conversion & Management, Vol. 43, pp. 2067-2083, 2002
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Rowe D.M, Min G.,“ Application of a Low Cost Stove-Top Thermoelectric Generator to A Region with Undependable Electric Power”, Renewable Energy, Vol. 28, pp. 205-222, 2003
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Moukalled F., “Evolution of power and entropy in a temperature gap system with electric and thermoelectric influences”, Energy Conversion & Management, Vol. 44, pp.649-667, 2003
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Moukalled F., and Denton J.C., “ Basic Thermodynamic Power Plants Models”, J. of Non-Equilibrium. Thermodynamics, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 309-325, 2002
Jaber M.Y.,
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Rosen M.A., “Price-driven economic order systems from a thermodynamic point of view”, Intl. Journal of Production Research, Vol. 42, No. 24, pp. 5167-5184, 2004
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Shihadeh A, Ghaddar N. “Development and Testing of a Domestic Woodstove Thermoelectric Generator with Natural Convection Cooling”, Energy Conversion & Management, Vol. 46, pp. 1631-1643, 2005
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Hamade R., “ Design and Testing a loop type heat sink for stove top thermoelectric generators”, Technical Note, Renewable Energy, Vol. 30, pp. 1101-1116, 2005
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Jaber M.Y., Rosen M.A and Sassine G.P., “On the Thermodynamics treatment of diffusion-like Economic Commodity flows”, International Journal of Exergy (IJEX), Vol.3, No.1, pp 103-117, 2006
Jaber M.Y.,
Nuwayhid R.Y.
& Rosen M.A. , “A thermodynamic approach to modeling the economic order quantity”, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Vol. 30, No.9, pp 867-883, 2006
Abdallah S.M., Habib R.R.,
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Chatila M., Katul G. “Radon measurements in well and spring water in Lebanon”, Radiation Measurements, Vol. 42, Issue 2, pp. 298-303, Feb 2007
Jawad H, Jaber MY,
Nuwayhid RY
, “Improving supply chain sustainability using exergy analysis”, European Journal Operations Research (EJOR), Accepted Oct. 7, 2017.
Combining data fusion with multiresolution analysis for improving the classification accuracy of uterine EMG signals,
B. Moslem
, M. Diab, M. Khalil, and C. Marque,
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing,
vol. 2012, p. 167, 2012.
Mathematical Approach for Modeling the Uterine Electrical Activity, A. Chkeir,
B. Moslem
, S. Rihana, G. Germain, and C. Marque,
Physics Procedia,
vol. 21, pp. 85-92, 2011.
Energy Distribution Analysis of the Uterine Electromyography,
Bassam Moslem
, Mohamad Khalil, Catherine Marque, Mohamad O. Diab,
Journal of Medicine and Biological Engineering
. Invited paper. Vol. 6, pp.361-366, 2010.
, M.Diab, C.Corbier, M.El Badawi "Prediction of Human Gait - Vertical Ground Reaction Force ", International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering, Vol. 5 Issue 2, Pp. 206-216, ISSN: 2319-7463, 2016
, “Agile Locomotion in Quadruped Robots”, International Conference on Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART 2016), IEEE, Dubai (UAE), Dec. 4th-7th, 2016, Accepted Article.
, B.Moslem ,C.Corbier, M.El Badawi, “Synchrosqueezing Characterize Non-Stationary Signals: Application on Gait-Vertical Ground Reaction Force”, Global Summit on Computer and Information Technology (GSCIT’2016), IEEE. Sousse, TUNISIA, 16-18, July, 2016, Accepted Article.
, “ Numerical Modeling of Various Support Systems to Stabilize Deep Excavations”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 127, International Journal of Environmental, Chemical, Ecological, Geological and Geophysical engineering, 11(7), 591-596.
M. Abdallah
, F. Hage Chehade “Non Linear Numerical Modeling of the Interaction Twin Tunnels-Structure”, International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering Vol. 10, No: 8, 2016.
Aya Bayoumi,
Mirvat Abdallah
“Effects of Recycled Concrete Aggregate on a Concrete Mix”, International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering ISSN 2319-7463, Vol. 5 Issue 1, January 2016.
Mirvat Abdallah
, Houssam Salami “Overview of Oil and Gas exploration in Lebanon” in Proceedings of the IEEE 1st Mediterranean Gas and Oil International Conference (MedGO 2015), pp: 1-4 - April 2015, Beirut, Lebanon.
, I. Shahrour, F. Hage Chehade “Modélisation numérique de la stabilité des massifs rocheux inclines fractures au Liban” in Proceedings of Congrès Maghrébin de Génie Parasismique (CMGP 2014), Rabat, Morocco.
, I. Shahrour, F. Hage Chehade “STABILITY ANALYSIS OF A ROCK MASS and effect of water under SEISMIC CONDITIONS: real CASE STUDY IN LEBANON”, 2ECEES 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, Paper # 2ECEES 2014 - 3105.
, I. Shahrour, F. Hage Chehade “Effect of Water flowing under seismic loading on the rock slope stability including Horizontal and Vertical discontinuities: a Lebanese case study”, NUMGE 2014, Delft, the Netherlands.
, I. Shahrour, F. Hage Chehade “Analyse de la stabilité des massifs rocheux dans des conditions sismiques: étude de cas au Liban en présence de discontinuités horizontales et verticales”, CMSS 2013, Rabat, Morocco, 2013.
, I. Shahrour, F. Hage Chehade “Influence of the water presence on seismic response of fractured rock slope: Application to a case study in Lebanon”, VEESD, Vienna, Austria, 2013.
, I. Shahrour, F. Hage Chehade “STABILITY ANALYSIS OF A ROCK MASS IN SEISMIC CONDITIONS: CASE STUDY IN LEBANON” in Proceedings of the 4th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (CompDyn 2013), Kos Island, Greece.
, F. Hage Chehade, W. Chehade, A. Fawaz “Interaction deep excavation – adjacent structure: Numerical two and three dimensional Modeling” in the Advanced Materials Research Vol. 324 (2011) pp 344-347 © (2011) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland doi:10.4028/
Machaka, M.,
Basha, H.
, and ElKordi, A., “The Effect of Using Fan Palm Natural Fibers on the Mechanical Properties and Durability of Concrete”,
International Conference on Material Science and Engineering-ICMSE 2014),
paper ICMSE2014-2-008, pp. 76-80, Chennai, India, March 17-18, 2014.
Basha H.
, Temsah, Y.A., Masri, A.C.,and Mashaka, M.M.,“Optimization of Wall-Frame Resisting System in Buildings Subjected to Seismic Loads
”, Seventh Alexandria International Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, 7AICSGE,
ST121-ST138, 27
December 2010, Alexandria, Egypt
Hamad, B., Masri, A.,
Basha, H.
, and Baalbaki, O., “Behavior of T-shaped Reinforced ConcreteBeams Partially Confined by Structural Steel
”, Journal of Construction and Building Materials,
ELSEVIER, Volume 25, Issue 2, pp. 1037-1043, February 2011.
Baalbaki, O.M., Masri, A.C.
Basha H.
,“Experimental Evaluation of the Flexuaral Behaviour of Encased Steel Joists
”, Seventh Alexandria International Conference on Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, 7AICSGE,
MS37-MS48, 27
December 2010, Alexandria, Egypt.
Basha H.
, “
Element Modeling of Axially Loaded Concrete-Filled Steel Tubes
”, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering and Computing
. Funchal, Madeira Island Sept. 2009. Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland.
Basha H.
, “
Dynamic Response of Reinforced Concrete Buildings under Seismic Forces
”, Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering and Computing.
Funchal, Madeira Island Sept. 2009. Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, Scotland.
Basha, H.S.
, Itani, M., Masri, A., and Timsah, Y. “Behavior of Typical Reinforced Concrete Buildings Under Earthquake Forces”,
Structural Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering - CSCE 2004, 32
annual Conference
, ST(2)1-ST(2)10, 2-5 June 2004, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA.
Basha, H.S.
, “Soft-Story in Buildings Subjected to Earthquake Excitations”,
Structural Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering - CSCE 2004, 32
annual Conference
, ST(3)1-ST(3)10, 2-5 June 2004, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CANADA
Basha, H.S.
and Masri, A.C. “Structural Modeling for Analysis of Ductile Truss Moment Frames”,
International conference on “Research Trends in Science and Technology”, RTST
4-6 March 2002, Lebanese American University.
Basha, H.S.
, “Non-linear Analysis of Structures under Monotonic and Cyclic Load Reversals”,
Fourth Alexandria International Conference on Structural and Goetechnical Engineering’
, 2-4 April 2001, Alexandria, Egypt.
Basha, H.S.
and Masri, A.C. "Seismic Analysis of Double-Deck Steel Bridges",
Bridge Engineering Conference 2000
, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), Sharm El-Sheikh, Sinai, Egypt, March 2000.
Goel, S.C.,
Basha, H.S.
, and Rai, D.C. "Special Truss Moment Frames: Design Guide",
Research Report No. [UMCEE 99-44]
, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1999.
Yehia, N., and
El-Hajj, Ahmad H.
; "A Knowledge-Based System for the Design of Spread Footings"; Computers & Structures; Vol. 30, pp. 729-735, 1988.
Torkamani, M. A. M. and
El-Hajj, Ahmad H.
; "Seismic Analysis of the 1901 Avenue of the Stars Building"; Proceedings of the Fourth US. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering; Palm Springs, California; Vol. 2, pp. 975-985; May 20-24, 1990.
Torkamani, M. A. M. and
El-Hajj, Ahmad H.
; "Analysis of Irregular Shaped Buildings with Base Isolation"; ASCE, Structures Congress X; San Antonio, Texas, pp.733-736, April 13-15, 1992.
El-Samra R.
, Bou-Zeid E., and El-Fadel M. (2018). What model resolution is required in climatological downscaling over a complex terrain? Atmospheric Research,
El-Samra R.
, Bou-Zeid E., and El-Fadel M. (2017a). To What Extent Can high resolution dynamical downscaling improve the representation of climatic extremes over an orographically complex terrain? Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi:10.1007/s00704-017-2273-8
El-Samra R.
, Bou-Zeid E., Bangalath K.H., Stenchikov G., and El-Fadel M. (2017b). Future intensification of hydro-meteorological extremes:Downscaling using the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3542-z
El-Samra R.
, Bou-Zeid E., Bangalath K.H., Stenchikov G., and El-Fadel M. (2017c). Seasonal and regional patterns of intensification of future temperature extremes from high-resolution dynamic downscaling over complex terrain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere , “in revision”
El-Samra R.
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Al Wardany, R.
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Al Wardany, R.
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Rivard, P., Saint-Pierre, F.,
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Al Wardany, R.
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Al Wardany, R.
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Al Wardany, R.
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Rhazi, J., Dous, O.,
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Rivard, P., Ballivy, G., Rhazi, J.,
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Hisham Basha , Yehia Temsah, , Adnan Masri,
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Meheddene M. Machaka
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Meheddene M. Machaka
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Meheddene M. Machaka
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Layal Abu Daher, Rached Zantout, Islam Elkabani, “'Dynamic Evolution Of Some Career Opportunities Hashtags On Twitter”, submitted for publication to the Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology.
Auday Al-Dulaimy, Wassim Itani, Rached Zantout, Ahmed Zekri “Type-Aware Virtual Machine Management for Energy Efficient Cloud Data Centers”, submitted for Publication.
Damaj, M. Imdoukh, R. Zantout, “Parallel Hardware for Faster Morphological Analysis”, Journal of King Saud University, Vol. 29, Issue 3, Computer and Information Sciences, pp. 427-440, A.H. 1437-2017.
Salah Al-Shami, Ali El-Zaart, Ahmed Zekri, Khaled Almustafa, Rached Zantout, “Number Recognition in the Saudi License Plates Using Classification and Clustering Methods”, the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, vol. 11, no. 1, January 1, 2017.
Islam Elkabani, Lama Hamandi, Rached Zantout, Simar Mansi, “Improving Web Accessibility” , International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 11, No. 12, July 2016, pp. 7836-7845.
Auday Al-Dulaimy, Ahmed Zekri, Wassim Itani, Rached Zantout “Power Management in Virtualized Data Centers: State of the Art”, Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (JoCCASA), (2016) 5:6, pp. 1-15, Springer.
Auday Al-Dulaimy, Ahmed Zekri, Wassim Itani, Rached Zantout “Toward Solving the Problem of Virtual Machine Placement In Cloud Computing: A Job Classification Approach”, Journal of Computing Science, Science Publications, vol. 12, issue 3, pp. 113-127, 2016.
Rached Zantout, Ziad Osman “Using Statistical Properties to Enhance Text Categorization”, Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: JSCI, vol. 13, no. 3, 2015, pp. 68-74
Suhad A. Yousif, Venus W. Samawi, Islam Elkabani, Rached Zantout, “The Effect of Combining Different Semantic Relations on Arabic Text Classification”, World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WCSIT), vol. 5, no. 6, 2015, 112-118.
Suhad A. Yousif, Venus W. Samawi, Islam Elkabani, Rached Zantout, “Enhancement of Arabic Text Classification Using Semantic Relations of Arabic WordNet”, Journal of Computer Science, 2015, 11 (3): 498.509.
Zantout, Rached, Guessoum, Ahmed, Obstacles Facing Arabic Machine Translation: Building a Neural-Network-Based Transfer Module as an Example, Papers in Translation Studies, Editor: Sattar Izwaini, Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Series: Studies in Language and Translation, Subject: Language and Literature, 01/03/2015, ISBN-13: 978-1-4438-7228-7.
Hamandi, K. Almustafa, R. Zantout, H. Obeid, “Using Character Recognition for Plate Localization” , The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA), Vo. 4, No. 5, pp. 39-50, October 2012.
Salameh, R. Zantout, N. Mansour, “
Improving the Accuracy of English-Arabic Statistical Sentence Alignment
”, International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), Volume 8, No. 2, pp. 171-177, April 2011.
Yakzan, I. Damaj, R. Zantout, “GPS-Based Vehicle Tracking System on Chip”, International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 04, August 2010.
Ahmed Guessoum, Rached Zantout, A Methodology for Evaluating Arabic Machine Translation Systems, The Journal of Machine Translation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Volume 18, Issue 4, Dec 2004, Pages 299 – 335.
Zantout and A. Guessoum, An Automatic English-Arabic HTML Page Translation System, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 4, no. 24, October 2001.
Guessoum, A. and R. Zantout, A Methodology for a Semi-Automatic Evaluation of the Language Coverage of Machine Translation System Lexicons, The Journal of Machine Translation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol.16, Issue 2, June 2001, Pages 127-149.
Zantout, Rached and Guessoum, Ahmed, Arabic Machine Translation: A Strategic Choice for the Arab World, Journal of King Saud University, Vol. 12, Computer and Information Sciences, pp. 117-144, A.H. 1420-2000.
Hamandi, Lama, AlMustafa, Khaled, Zantout, Rached, Obeid, Hasan, Automatic Recognition and Localization of Saudi License Plates, a Book Chapter in book Multidisciplinary Computational Intelligence Techniques: Applications in Business, Engineering, and Medicine, Ali, Shawkat, Abbadeni, Noureddine, Batouche, Mohamed (Editors), IGI Global. 2012
Salameh, Mohamed, Hamandi, Lama, Zantout, Rached, and Mansour, Nashat, Towards Better Statistical English-Arabic Parallel Corpus Alignment, a Chapter in book CCIS, Natural Language Processing for Arabic language book, Series: Computer Science, Springer. 2012
Yaqzan, I. Damaj, R. Zantout, Reconfigurable Hardware Implementation of a GPS-Based Vehicle Tracking System, in Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computational Science, Sio-Iong Ao and Len Gelman (Editors), Springer Netherlands, April 2009. V 39 P 289 – 299.
Guessoum, Ahmed and Zantout, Rached, Arabic Morphological Generation and its Impact on the Quality of Machine Translation to Arabic, Chapter in book Abdelhadi Soudi, Antal Vanden Bosch, and Guenter Neumann, Arabic Computational Morphology: Knowledge-based and Empirical Methods, Series: Text, Speech and Language Technology, Vol. 38, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6045-8.
A. Arkadan, T. M. Hijazi, B. Masri “Design Evaluation of Conventional and Toothless Stator Wind Power Axial - Flux PM Generator”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2017
M. H. Taha, “On load Single Phase Solid State Tap Changer- International Journal of Engineering Technologies”, IJET, Volume 2, NO:2 – June 1016
Nasser, D. Serhal, R. Barakeh, M. Rammal, P. Vaudon, “SAR Reduction for PIFA Antennas Used in Mobile Phones”, Unitedscholars, accepted, Mar. 2017.
Serhal, R. Chantalat, M. Hajj., E. Arnaud, T. Monédière, B. Jecko, “Planar Sectoral EBG Antennas For High Data Rate Wireless Terrestrial Communications with Vehicles”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.53, Issue 2, pp.381-384, Feb. 2011.
Serhal, M. Hajj, R. Chantalat, J. Drouet, B. Jecko, “Multi-fed sectoral EBG antenna for WiMAX applications”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol.8, pp.620-623, 2009.
Hajj, E. Rodes, D. Serhal, H. Chreim, E. Arnaud, and B. Jecko, “Rectangular M-PRS structure for sectoral base station antenna with vertical polarization”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.52, Issue 4, pp.990-994, Apr. 2010.
Hajj, E. Rodes, D. Serhal, T. Monédière, B. Jecko, “Design of Sectoral Antennas Using a Metallic EBG Structure and Multiple Sources Feeding for Base Station Applications”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol.2008, 2008.
Hajj, E. Rodes, D. Serhal, B. Jecko, “Metallic EBG Sectoral Antennas with different polarizations”, Automatika, Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, Vol.49, No. 3-4, November 2008.
Layal Abu Daher, Rached Zantout, Islam Elkabani, “'Dynamic Evolution Of Some Career Opportunities Hashtags On Twitter”, submitted for publication to the Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology.
Auday Al-Dulaimy, Wassim Itani, Rached Zantout, Ahmed Zekri “Type-Aware Virtual Machine Management for Energy Efficient Cloud Data Centers”, submitted for Publication.
Damaj, M. Imdoukh, R. Zantout, “Parallel Hardware for Faster Morphological Analysis”, Journal of King Saud University, Vol. 29, Issue 3, Computer and Information Sciences, pp. 427-440, A.H. 1437-2017.
Salah Al-Shami, Ali El-Zaart, Ahmed Zekri, Khaled Almustafa, Rached Zantout, “Number Recognition in the Saudi License Plates Using Classification and Clustering Methods”, the Journal of Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, vol. 11, no. 1, January 1, 2017.
Islam Elkabani, Lama Hamandi, Rached Zantout, Simar Mansi, “Improving Web Accessibility” , International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 11, No. 12, July 2016, pp. 7836-7845.
Auday Al-Dulaimy, Ahmed Zekri, Wassim Itani, Rached Zantout “Power Management in Virtualized Data Centers: State of the Art”, Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications (JoCCASA), (2016) 5:6, pp. 1-15, Springer.
Auday Al-Dulaimy, Ahmed Zekri, Wassim Itani, Rached Zantout “Toward Solving the Problem of Virtual Machine Placement In Cloud Computing: A Job Classification Approach”, Journal of Computing Science, Science Publications, vol. 12, issue 3, pp. 113-127, 2016.
Rached Zantout, Ziad Osman “Using Statistical Properties to Enhance Text Categorization”, Journal on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: JSCI, vol. 13, no. 3, 2015, pp. 68-74
Suhad A. Yousif, Venus W. Samawi, Islam Elkabani, Rached Zantout, “The Effect of Combining Different Semantic Relations on Arabic Text Classification”, World of Computer Science and Information Technology Journal (WCSIT), vol. 5, no. 6, 2015, 112-118.
Suhad A. Yousif, Venus W. Samawi, Islam Elkabani, Rached Zantout, “Enhancement of Arabic Text Classification Using Semantic Relations of Arabic WordNet”, Journal of Computer Science, 2015, 11 (3): 498.509.
Zantout, Rached, Guessoum, Ahmed, Obstacles Facing Arabic Machine Translation: Building a Neural-Network-Based Transfer Module as an Example, Papers in Translation Studies, Editor: Sattar Izwaini, Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Series: Studies in Language and Translation, Subject: Language and Literature, 01/03/2015, ISBN-13: 978-1-4438-7228-7.
Hamandi, K. Almustafa, R. Zantout, H. Obeid, “Using Character Recognition for Plate Localization” , The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA), Vo. 4, No. 5, pp. 39-50, October 2012.
Salameh, R. Zantout, N. Mansour, “
Improving the Accuracy of English-Arabic Statistical Sentence Alignment
”, International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), Volume 8, No. 2, pp. 171-177, April 2011.
Yakzan, I. Damaj, R. Zantout, “GPS-Based Vehicle Tracking System on Chip”, International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 04, August 2010.
Ahmed Guessoum, Rached Zantout, A Methodology for Evaluating Arabic Machine Translation Systems, The Journal of Machine Translation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Volume 18, Issue 4, Dec 2004, Pages 299 – 335.
Zantout and A. Guessoum, An Automatic English-Arabic HTML Page Translation System, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 4, no. 24, October 2001.
Guessoum, A. and R. Zantout, A Methodology for a Semi-Automatic Evaluation of the Language Coverage of Machine Translation System Lexicons, The Journal of Machine Translation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol.16, Issue 2, June 2001, Pages 127-149.
Zantout, Rached and Guessoum, Ahmed, Arabic Machine Translation: A Strategic Choice for the Arab World, Journal of King Saud University, Vol. 12, Computer and Information Sciences, pp. 117-144, A.H. 1420-2000.
Hamandi, Lama, AlMustafa, Khaled, Zantout, Rached, Obeid, Hasan, Automatic Recognition and Localization of Saudi License Plates, a Book Chapter in book Multidisciplinary Computational Intelligence Techniques: Applications in Business, Engineering, and Medicine, Ali, Shawkat, Abbadeni, Noureddine, Batouche, Mohamed (Editors), IGI Global. 2012
Salameh, Mohamed, Hamandi, Lama, Zantout, Rached, and Mansour, Nashat, Towards Better Statistical English-Arabic Parallel Corpus Alignment, a Chapter in book CCIS, Natural Language Processing for Arabic language book, Series: Computer Science, Springer. 2012
Yaqzan, I. Damaj, R. Zantout, Reconfigurable Hardware Implementation of a GPS-Based Vehicle Tracking System, in Advances in Electrical Engineering and Computational Science, Sio-Iong Ao and Len Gelman (Editors), Springer Netherlands, April 2009. V 39 P 289 – 299.
Guessoum, Ahmed and Zantout, Rached, Arabic Morphological Generation and its Impact on the Quality of Machine Translation to Arabic, Chapter in book Abdelhadi Soudi, Antal Vanden Bosch, and Guenter Neumann, Arabic Computational Morphology: Knowledge-based and Empirical Methods, Series: Text, Speech and Language Technology, Vol. 38, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-4020-6045-8.
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J. Nasreddine
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Maaz, K. khawam, S. Lahoud,
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Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, R. Agustí,
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, M. Muck, "A decentralized RAT selection algorithm enabled by IEEE P1900.4", chapter of Advances in mobile and wireless communications – views of the 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit, Springer, 2008.
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Rami Alkhatib,
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Mohamad O. Diab
, Alaa Seif, Mohamad El-Abed, Maher Sabbah, “Individual Identification Using ECG Signals”, Journal of Computer and Communications, Accepted to be published in Dec. 2017.
Rami Alkhatib,
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Rami Alkhatib, Chritophe Corbier, Mohamad El Badoui,
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Mirna Atieh, Oussama Mustapha, Nizar F. Al Awar, Hassan Tahini, Ali Zibara, Reem Abou Marak, Salahiddin Eljammal,
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Mohamad O. Diab
, Amira El-Merhie, Nour El-Halabi, Layal Khoder, Classification of uterine EMG signals using supervised classification method. Biomedical Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 9, pp: 837-842, Sep. 2010.
Diab M. O.
, Marque C., Khalil M. An Unsupervised Classification Method Of Uterine Electromyography Signals: Classification For Detection Of The Preterm Deliveries. Obestet. Gynecol. Res., Vol. 35, No. 1, pp: 9-19, 2009.
, L. Hijazi, W. Hassan, G. Farges. A Non-Aggressive Thermo-Cardio-Respiratory Sensor Conception Associated To Cardio-Modulo-Respiratory Method For Long-Term Monitoring. Transactions on Systems, Signals and Devices, Vol. 4, no. 4, pp: 539-548, 2009.
Diab M. O.
, Farges G. ECG sensor for obese and hairy patient based on Cardio-Modulo-Respiratory Method. Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol. 8, pp: 7-12, July 2008.
Khalil M., Mustapha O.,
Diab M. O.
Time Frequency Analysis and Classification of Long Duration SEMG Signals: Application on Fatigue Detection. Invited article, Modeling and Simulation journal, ASME press, pp: 1-10. July 2007
Diab M. O.
Marque C., Khalil M. Classification for Uterine EMG Signals: Comparison between AR Model and Statistical Classification Method. J. Computational and Cognition, Vol 5, No 1, pp 1-7. March 2007.
Diab M. O.
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Diab M. O.
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SABBAH, Méthodologie pour la synchronisation cardiaque et respiratoire : Application à l'imagerie RMN haute résolution chez le petit animal, phdDoctorat, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, 2006, citation key : SABB – 06c.
Sabbah, H. Alsaid, L.Fakri-Bouchet, C.Pasquier, A. Briguet, E. Canet Soulas, O. Fokapu "Real-Time Gating System for Mouse Cardiovascular MR Imaging” Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2007; 57:29-39.
Alsaid, M. Sabbah, Z. Bendahmane, O. Fokapu, J. Felblinger, C. Desbleds-Mansard, C. Corot, A. Briguet, Y. Crémillieux, E. Canet-Soulas. “High-Resolution Contrast-Enhancement MRI of Atherosclerosis with Digital Cardiac and Respiratory Gating in Mice”. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2007; 58:1157–1163.
O. Diab., A. Seif., M. El-Abed., M. Sabbah, “Individual Identification Using ECG Signals”, Journal of Computer and Communications, Vol.6, No.1, pp : 74-80, Jan. 2018.
Alkhatib, M.O. Diab., C. Corbier, M. El Badaoui, “Task-Specific Gait Analysis : Faller versus Non-Faller Comparative Study”, Journal of Computer and Communications, Vol.6, No.1, pp : 81-91, Jan. 2018.
Conference Proceedings
Diab N.
, Adapting Ant Colony for Topology Optimization of Compliant Mechanisms with Variable Material Density, In Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2017-70116), November 03-09, 2017, Tampa, Florida.
Diab N.
and Smaili A., An Ants-Search Based Method for Optimum Synthesis of Compliant Mechanisms, In Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2016-65142), November 11-17, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona.
Diab N.
and Smaili A., An Elitist Ants-Search Based Method for Optimum Synthesis of Rigid-Linkage Mechanisms, In Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2015-51374), November 13-19, 2015, Houston, Texas.
Diab N.
and Lakkis I., DSMC Simulations of Squeeze Film under a Harmonically Oscillating Micro RF Switch with Large Tip Displacements, In Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2012-88422), November 9-15, 2012, Houston, Texas.
Diab N.
and Lakkis I., DSMC Simulations of Squeeze Film between a Micro Beam undergoing Large Amplitude Oscillations and a Substrate, In Proceedings of the ASME 10th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels (ICNMM2012-73138), July 8-12, 2012, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.
Smaili A., Hassanieh M., and
Diab N
., "Application of the Flexible Link Model (FLM) and Quantum Computing-Based Algorithm for the Optimum Synthesis of Partially Compliant Mechanisms, In proceedings of the ASME11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (ESDA2012-82467), July 2-4, 2012, Nantes, France.
Smaili A.,
Diab N
., and Abdallah S., Adapting Ant-Colony Optimization to Design Problems in Mechatronics, In proceedings of the ASME 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (ESDA2012-82461), July 2-4, 2012, Nantes, France.
Diab N
. and Smaili A., Analysis and Optimum Synthesis of Planar Mechanisms with Clearances and Tolerances Using Interval Analysis, In proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Informa tion in Engineering Conference (DETC2006-99713), Sept 10-13, 2006, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Smaili A. and
Diab N
., Shape Optimization for Closed Path Generation of Planar Mechanisms, In proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (DETC2005- 84301), September 24-28, 2005 , Long Beach, California, USA.
Smaili A. and
Diab N
., A New Approach for Exact/Approximate Point Synthesis of Planar Mechanisms, In proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (DETC2005-84339), September 24-28, 2005 , Long Beach, California, USA.
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Ayoub G.M., and Saba E.F., "Solid Waste Disposal in Beirut", Ninth International Conference on Solid Waste Management, Philadelphia, Pa, November 1993.
Moukalled F.,
Nuwayhid R.
, and Lakkis I,. "Newly Suggested Fuel Rods for Gas-Cooled Fast Reactors", IASTED Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Control, Ottawa, Canada, May 25, 1994.
Moukalled F,
Nuwayhid R.
, and Lakkis I., “Improved Fuel-Rod Configurations for Optimal Transient Performance of a Gas Cooled Fast Nuclear Reactor”, 12th Science Meeting (LAAS), Beirut, May 4-7, 1994
Moukalled F,
Nuwayhid R.
, and Noueihed N., “The Efficiency at maximum Power of Endoreversible Heat Engines”, 12th Science Meeting (LAAS), Beirut, May 4-7, 1994
Ghaddar N.,
Nuwayhid R.
, “Natural Convection Loop in Transverse Magnetic Field”, 32nd Thermophysics Conference, Atlanta, Ga., June 23-25, 1997.
Nuwayhid R.
, Noueihed N., The Power-Entropy-Efficiency Behavior of Thermoelectric Generators Using Prime or Waste Heat Sources””, Intl. Conf. On Research Trends in Science & Technology”, Accepted, Byblos, Lebanon, March 6-8, 2000
Nuwayhid R.Y
, Moukalled F, AbouSaid R., Daaboul M., “Practical design Considerations for a Rural Stove-Top Thermoelectric Generator”, 19th Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT2000), BEST APPLICATION PAPER AWARD, Cardiff, Wales, 2000
Nuwayhid R.Y
, Moukalled F, “Optimum Efficiency of Multi-stage Heat Engines Including Heat Leak”, Efficiency, costs, optimization, simulations and environmental impact of energy systems (ECOS2001), Istanbul, July 4-6 , 2001
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Jaber M.Y., Rosen M.A and Sassine G.P., On the Thermodynamics treatment of diffusion-like Economic Commodity flows”, International Green Energy Conference (IGEC), Waterloo, Canada, June 12-16, 2005.
Masri T,
Nuwayhid RY
, Masri N, Fakhry K, “Autoecology of Castanea in Lebanon”, International Workshop on Chestnut management in Mediterranean Countries: problems and prospects, Bursa, Turkey, October 23 – 25, 2007
Nuwayhid, R.Y.
, “The potential for Chestnut in Lebanon: On the Deserts Edge!”, Castanea 2009 – Food & Timber, Biomass & Energy in Europe, Cuneo, Italy, October 13-16, 2009
Nuwayhid R.
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Fraiha S,
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, “Transformative Learning in an Engineering Program”, 9th World Congress on Engineering Education, Beirut, Lebanon October 2013.
Raghda El Hariri,
Bassam Moslem
Rida Nuwayhid
, “An improved Matlab/Simulink Model of Photovoltaic Cell”, 20th LAAS International Science Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, March 2014
Nuwayhid R
& Chaaban A, “Mechanical Engineering Needs on the Threshold of Lebanon’s Oil & Gas Era – A Minor in Oil & Gas”, MEDGO Intnl. Conference, Beirut, Lebanon April 18-19, 2015
Nuwayhid R.Y.
, Abou-Said R., Chelala A., Achkar S., “Thermoelectric Power from Waste and Renewable Heat Sources”, 13th Science Meeting, Beirut, Nov. 2-4, 1999
Nuwayhid R.
, Sassine G, and Jaber M. “On the thermodynamics optimization of economic commodity flows”, 3rd International conf. on current issues in Business & Information Technology, Haigazian University, Beirut, May 26, 2006.
M. Hariri-Nokob, N. Shamseddine, A. Akra, A. Hosari,
R. Nuwayhid
, “ Domestic Stove Steam Engine for small Supplemental Power Generation”, 16
Meeting, LAAS-16, BAU, Dibbieh, Nov 14, 2009
Soubra, R., Diab, M. O., &
Moslem, B.
(2016, December). Identification of Parkinson's disease by using multichannel Vertical Ground Reaction Force signals. In Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART), pp. 1-4, December 2016
Optimizing the design parameters of a wireless power transfer system for maximizing power transfer efficiency - A simulation study, Reem Melki and
Bassam Moslem
, The Third International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (TAEECE2015), pp. 278-282, Beirut, Lebanon, April 29 - May 1, 2015.
Wireless Power Transfer Systems: A Comparative study between Inductive and Resonant Coupling, Reem Melki and
Bassam Moslem
, 5th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress & Exhibition, pp. 465, Turkey, April 2015.
Layal Abu Daher, Rached Zantout, Islam Elkabani, “Evolution of Hashtags on Twitter: A Case Study from Events Groups”, submitted for publication at the 5th International Symposium on Data Mining Applications (SDMA 2018), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, March 21-22, 2018.
Atweh, Hanadi, Zekri, Ahmed, Hamandi, Lama, Zantout, Rached, “'Parallelization of Gradient-based Edge Detection Algorithm on Multicore processors”, Submitted for Publication.
Osman, Ziad, Hamandi, Lama, Zantout, Rached, “Using Statistical Properties for Author Identification”, Submitted for Publication.
Layal Abu Daher, Rached Zantout, Islam Elkabani, “Dynamic Evolution of Hashtags on Twitter: A Case Study from Career Opportunities Groups”, the 2017 The International Conference on New Trends in Computing Sciences (ICTCS 2017), Amman, Jordan, October 11-13, 2017.
Khaled Sabra, Rached Zantout, Mohammad El Abed, Lama Hamandi, “Sentiment Analysis: Arabic Sentiment Lexicons”, the 2017 Sensors Networks Smart and Emerging Technologies (SENSET), Beirut, Lebanon, September 12-14, 2017.
Samira Koleilat, Lama Hamandi, Ziad Osman, Rached Zantout, “Emotion Recognition in Arabic Speech”, the 2017 Sensors Networks Smart and Emerging Technologies (SENSET), Beirut, Lebanon, September 12-14, 2017.
Salah Al-Shami, Ahmed Zekri, Ali El-Zaart, Rached Zantout, “On the Parallelization of Closed-set Patterns Classification for an Automatic License Plate Recognition System”, the 2017 Sensors Networks Smart and Emerging Technologies (SENSET), Beirut, Lebanon, September 12-14, 2017.
Layal Abu Daher, Rached Zantout, Islam Elkabani, “Dynamic Evolution of Hashtags on Twitter”, Lebanese Conference on Information Systems (LCIS 2017), Beirut-New York, April 27-29, 2017.
Auday AlDlaimi, Ahmed Zekri, Wassim Itani, Rached Zantout, “Paving the Way for Energy Efficient Cloud Data Centers: A Type-Aware Virtual Machine Placement Strategy," Proceedings of the Doctoral Symposium at the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E’17), Vancouver, Canada, April 4-7, 2017.
Auday AlDlaimi, Ahmed Zekri, Wassim Itani, Rached Zantout, “Job Submission in the Cloud: Energy Aware Approaches", Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2016 (WCECS 2016) Vol I, pp. 190-196, October 19-21, 2016, San Francisco, USA. Best paper Award.
Islam Elkabani, Rached Zantout, Lama Hamandi, Manal Zahreddine “Towards improving educational decisions: Automating the assessment of learning outcomes”, 2016 International Education Conference San Francisco July 31 – August 4, 2016, pp. 539 :( 1-8). Best Paper Award.
Salwan Alwan, Mohammad Elabed, Rached Zantout “Vehicles Recognition from Partial Images”, The third international conference on advances in computational tools for engineering applications, ACTEA’16, Notre Dame University, Louaize, Lebanon, July 13-15, 2016. pp. 236-240
Salma Ghali, Islam Elkabani, Rached Zantout “A Multilingual Interactive Workspace for Helping The Visually Impaired Learn and Practice Math”, 15th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, University of Linz, Austria, July 11-15, 2016.
Auday AlDlaimi, Wassim Itani, Rached Zantout, Ahmed Zekri, “The Effect of Bandwidth Allocation on Power Efficiency in Cloud Data Centers", the 11th International Computer Engineering Conference, Faculty of Engineering (ICENCO’15), Cairo University, EGYPT, December 29-30, 2015.
Islam Elkabani, Lama Hamandi, Rached Zantout, Simar Mansi “Toward Better Web Accessibility”, the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility, Marrakech, Morocco, December 21-23, 2015.
Islam Elkabani, Rached Zantout “A Framework for Helping the Visually Impaired Learn and Practice Math”, 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility, Marrakech, Morocco, December 21-23, 2015.
Auday AlDlaimi, Rached Zantout, Ahmed Zekri, Wassim Itani, “Job Classification in Cloud Computing: The Classification Effects on Energy Efficiency", The 1st International Workshop on Cloud and Service Management and Simulation (CSMS), In conjunction with the 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, Limassol, Cyprus, December 7-10, 2015.
Salah Al-Shami, Ali El-Zaart, Rached Zantout, Ahmed Zekri, Khaled Almustafa, “The Recognition of the Closed-set Patterns in the Saudi License Plates”, the International Conference on Applied Research in Computer Science & Engineering (ICAR'15), Beirut, Lebanon October 8-9, 2015.
Zantout, Rached, AlMustafa, Khaled, Hamandi, Lama, “Hybrid localization of Saudi License Plates “, The 19th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2015) Orlando, Florida, USA, July 12-15, 2015.
Osman, Ziad, Zantout, Rached, “Using Statistical Properties to Enhance Text Categorization”, The 19th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2015) Orlando, Florida, USA, July 12-15, 2015. Best Paper Award.
Salah Al-Shami, Ali El-Zaart, Rached Zantout, Ahmed Zekri, Khaled Almustafa, “A new feature extraction method for license plate recognition”, The Fifth International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP2015), Beirut, Lebanon, April 29 – May 01, 2015.
Suhad Yousif, Venus Samawi, Islam Elkabani, Rached Zantout “Enhancement of Arabic Text Classification Using Semantic Relation With Part Of Speech Tagger”, the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, January 10-12, 2015.
AlMasri, Bassam, Elkabani, Islam, Zantout, Rached “An Interactive Workspace for helping the Visually Impaired in Learning Linear Algebra“, 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs - ICCHP 2014, Universite Paris 8-St. Denis, Paris, France, July 9-11, 2014.
AlMustafa, Khaled, Zantout, Rached “Saudi License Plate Localization Using Hybrid Method“, 17th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON 2014, Beirut, Lebanon, April 13-16, 2014.
Hamandi, Lama, AlMustafa, Khaled, Zantout, Rached, Obeid, Hasan, “Recognition of Triangular Traffic Signs Using the Number of Peaks Algorithm “, The 2nd International conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications – ACTEA’12, Notre Dame University, Lebanon, December 12-15, 2012.
Itani, Maher, Elkabani, Islam, Hamandi, Lama, Zantout, Rached, “Classifying sentiment in Arabic Social Networks: Naïve-Search versus Naïve-Bayes “, The 2nd International conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications – ACTEA’12, Notre Dame University, Lebanon, December 12-15, 2012.
AlMustafa, R. Zantout, H. Obeid, Fadi Sibai “Recognizing Characters in Saudi License Plates Using Character Boundaries”, The Seventh International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology - IIT’11, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, April 25-27, 2011.
AlMustafa, R. Zantout, H. Obeid, “Peak Position, Recognizing Characters in Saudi License Plates”, 2011 IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition for Sustainable Ubiquitous Technology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 19-22, 2011, pp. 186-189.
AlMustafa, R. Zantout, H. Obeid, “Pixel Density: Recognizing Characters in Saudi License Plates”, 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Cairo, Egypt, November 29 – December 1, 2010.
Osman, L. Hamandi, R. Zantout, F. Sibai, “Automatic Processing of Arabic Text”, 6th International conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations 09), Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, December 15-17, 2009.
Zantout, M. Jrab, L. Hamandi, F. Sibai, “Fleet Management Automation Using the Global Positioning System”, 6th International conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations 09), Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, December 15-17, 2009.
Mirza, Z. Osman, R. Zantout, M. El-Sayed, "Error Correction of noisy block cipher using cryptanalysis and natural language processing," Third International Conference on Network and System Security, Gold Coast, Australia, 19-21 October 2009.
Mirza, Z. Osman, R. Zantout, M. El-Sayed, "Correcting Noise in Block Ciphers," First International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, Indore, India, 23-25 July 2009.
Mirza, Z. Osman, R. Zantout, “A Novel Approach for Correcting Noisy AES Ciphers,” 2009 International Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ISP-09), Orlando, FL, July 13-16.
Mirza, Z. Osman, R. Zantout, "Correcting Noisy Ciphers in CBC mode," 2009 International Conference on Information and Network Technology (ICINT 2009), 10-12 July 2009, Perth, Australia.
Osman, L. Hamandi, R. Zantout, F. Sibai, “Arabic Optical Character Recognition”, The 10th Annual UAE University Research Conference, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, 13-16 April 2009.
Jizzini, R. Zantout, F. Sibai, “Faster Digital Image Processing Using FPGA”, The 10th Annual UAE University Research Conference, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, 13-16 April 2009.
Yaqzan, I. Damaj, R. Zantout, “GPS-based Vehicle Tracking System-on-Chip,” The Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, London, United Kingdom, 2 – 4 July, 2008. Vol. I, pp. 240 – 245. Nominated for Best Paper Award.
Rached Zantout, Mazen Jrab, Lama Hamandi, Fadi Sibai, Fleet Management Automation, The 9th Annual UAEU Research Conference, 21-23 April 2008, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
Hassan Obeid, Rached Zantout and Fadi Sibai, License Plate Localization in ALPR Systems, 4th International conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations 07), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 18-20, 2007.
Hassan Obeid and Rached Zantout, Line Processing: An Approach to ALPR Character Recognition, 2007 ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Amman, Jordan, May 13-16.
Hamandi, I. Damaj, R. Zantout, and A. Guessoum, Parallelizing Arabic Morphological Analysis: Towards Faster Arabic Natural Language Processing Systems, CIBITIC, Beirut, Lebanon, May 2006.
Ameur Touir, Rached N. Zantout, Design and Implementation of an Automatic Road Network Map Processing System Using GPS Technology, 2003 ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Tunis, Tunisia, July 14-18, 2003.
Ziad A. Osman, Mazen Jrab, Souleiman Midani, Rached N. Zantout, Implementation of a System for Offline Tracking using GPS, Mediterranean Microwave Symposium 2003, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, May 6-8 2003.
Hamandi, R. Zantout, and A. Guessoum, A Parser for the Arabic Language, Sixteenth Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K., March 1-2, 2002.
Hamandi, R. Zantout, and A. Guessoum, Design and Implementation of an Arabic Morphological Analysis System, International Conference on Research Trends in Science And Technology, Lebanese American University, Beirut & Byblos, Lebanon, March 4-6, 2002.
Guessoum and R. Zantout, Semi-automatic Evaluation of the Grammatical Coverage of Machine Translation Systems, MT Summit VIII, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 18 - 22 September 2001.
Al-Sikhan, Abdullah and Zantout, Rached and Guessoum, Ahmed, Automating the evaluation of Machine Translation Systems Lexicons: Arabic Machine Translation Systems as Case Studies, 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, Cairo, Egypt, February 3-6, 1999.
Zantout, Rached N., Zheng, Yuan F. , Determining Geodesics of a Discrete Surface, 1994 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Zantout, Rached N., Zheng, Yuan F. , Geodesics a Tool for Solving Material Properties Inverse Problems, 1994 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, China.
Zantout, Rached N., Zheng, Yuan F. , Surface Parameters Extraction Using Geodesics, The First IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Cairo, Egypt.
M. Hijazi, B. El-Masri, A. A. Arkadan, “Design Evaluation of Conventional and Toothless Stator Wind Power Axial - Flux PM Generator”, IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (IEEE-CEFC), Miami, FL, USA, Nov. 13-16, 2016.
Nasser, D. Serhal, R. Barake, M. Rammal, P. Vaudon, “A Novel Low SAR Water-Based Mobile Handset Antenna”, Sensors Networks Smart and Emerging Technologies (SENSET), Beirut Lebanon, 12-14 Sep. 2017.
Abdallah, D. Serhal, K. Fakih, “Relaying Techniques for LTE-Advanced”, Oral Presentation, European Wireless Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 20-22 May, 2015.
Abdallah, D. Serhal, K. Fakih, “Relaying Techniques for 4G/LTE”, Poster, 20th LAAS International Science Conference, 27-29 Mar. 2014.
Serhal, R. Chantalat, T. Monédière, M. Hajj, B. Jecko, “Sectoral Metallic EBG Antenna for High Data Rate Wireless Terrestrial Communications with Vehicles using WiMAX Technology”, International Workshop on Antenna Technology, IWAT 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 01-03 Mar. 2010.
Hajj, D. Serhal, B. Jecko, “Design of simple MPRS superstrates for different applications to sectoral base station antennas”, 3rd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, London, UK, 01-04 Sep. 2009.
Serhal, M. Hajj, B. Jecko, “High gain sectoral metallic EBG antenna”, The 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2009, Berlin, Allemagne, 23-27 Mar. 2009.
Hajj, E. Rodes, D. Serhal, T. Monédière, B. Jecko, “Metallic EBG superstrates for dual polarized sectoral base station antennas”, The 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP 2009, Berlin, Allemagne, 23-27 Mar. 2009.
Serhal, M. Hajj, R. Chantalat, B. Jecko, “A novel model of sectoral M-EBG antenna for WiMAX applications”, 2nd International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Pamplona, Spain, 21-26 Sep. 2008.
Hajj, D. Serhal, E. Rodes, T. Monédière, B. Jecko, “Dual-Band Metallic FSS-EBG Sectoral Antenna”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, USA, 05-12 Jul. 2008.
Serhal, M. Hajj, E. Rodes, B. Jecko, “EBG Antennas conformation for beamforming”, 4th IEEE Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, LAPC 2008, Loughbourough, UK, pp. 121-124, 17-18 Mar. 2008.
Hajj, E. Rodes, D. Serhal, M. Thévenot, T. Monédière, B. Jecko, “Metallic EBG sectoral antenna for a base station with horizontal polarization”, 2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EuCAP2007, Edinburgh, UK, 11-16 Nov. 2007.
Hajj, E. Rodes, D. Serhal, R. Chantalat, M. Thévenot, T. Monédière, B. Jecko, “Metallic EBG Sectoral Antenna for Base Stations”, 19th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications ICECom 2007, Dubrovnik, Republic of Croatia, 24-26 Sep. 2007.
Serhal, M. Hajj, B. Jecko, “Impact de l’alimentation multi-source sur les performances d’une antenne sectorielle `a bande interdite électromagnétique”, 16èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, Grenoble, France, 27-29 May 2009.
Layal Abu Daher, Rached Zantout, Islam Elkabani, “Evolution of Hashtags on Twitter: A Case Study from Events Groups”, submitted for publication at the 5th International Symposium on Data Mining Applications (SDMA 2018), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, March 21-22, 2018.
Atweh, Hanadi, Zekri, Ahmed, Hamandi, Lama, Zantout, Rached, “'Parallelization of Gradient-based Edge Detection Algorithm on Multicore processors”, Submitted for Publication.
Osman, Ziad, Hamandi, Lama, Zantout, Rached, “Using Statistical Properties for Author Identification”, Submitted for Publication.
Layal Abu Daher, Rached Zantout, Islam Elkabani, “Dynamic Evolution of Hashtags on Twitter: A Case Study from Career Opportunities Groups”, the 2017 The International Conference on New Trends in Computing Sciences (ICTCS 2017), Amman, Jordan, October 11-13, 2017.
Khaled Sabra, Rached Zantout, Mohammad El Abed, Lama Hamandi, “Sentiment Analysis: Arabic Sentiment Lexicons”, the 2017 Sensors Networks Smart and Emerging Technologies (SENSET), Beirut, Lebanon, September 12-14, 2017.
Samira Koleilat, Lama Hamandi, Ziad Osman, Rached Zantout, “Emotion Recognition in Arabic Speech”, the 2017 Sensors Networks Smart and Emerging Technologies (SENSET), Beirut, Lebanon, September 12-14, 2017.
Salah Al-Shami, Ahmed Zekri, Ali El-Zaart, Rached Zantout, “On the Parallelization of Closed-set Patterns Classification for an Automatic License Plate Recognition System”, the 2017 Sensors Networks Smart and Emerging Technologies (SENSET), Beirut, Lebanon, September 12-14, 2017.
Layal Abu Daher, Rached Zantout, Islam Elkabani, “Dynamic Evolution of Hashtags on Twitter”, Lebanese Conference on Information Systems (LCIS 2017), Beirut-New York, April 27-29, 2017.
Auday AlDlaimi, Ahmed Zekri, Wassim Itani, Rached Zantout, “Paving the Way for Energy Efficient Cloud Data Centers: A Type-Aware Virtual Machine Placement Strategy," Proceedings of the Doctoral Symposium at the IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E’17), Vancouver, Canada, April 4-7, 2017.
Auday AlDlaimi, Ahmed Zekri, Wassim Itani, Rached Zantout, “Job Submission in the Cloud: Energy Aware Approaches", Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2016 (WCECS 2016) Vol I, pp. 190-196, October 19-21, 2016, San Francisco, USA. Best paper Award.
Islam Elkabani, Rached Zantout, Lama Hamandi, Manal Zahreddine “Towards improving educational decisions: Automating the assessment of learning outcomes”, 2016 International Education Conference San Francisco July 31 – August 4, 2016, pp. 539 :( 1-8). Best Paper Award.
Salwan Alwan, Mohammad Elabed, Rached Zantout “Vehicles Recognition from Partial Images”, The third international conference on advances in computational tools for engineering applications, ACTEA’16, Notre Dame University, Louaize, Lebanon, July 13-15, 2016. pp. 236-240
Salma Ghali, Islam Elkabani, Rached Zantout “A Multilingual Interactive Workspace for Helping The Visually Impaired Learn and Practice Math”, 15th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, University of Linz, Austria, July 11-15, 2016.
Auday AlDlaimi, Wassim Itani, Rached Zantout, Ahmed Zekri, “The Effect of Bandwidth Allocation on Power Efficiency in Cloud Data Centers", the 11th International Computer Engineering Conference, Faculty of Engineering (ICENCO’15), Cairo University, EGYPT, December 29-30, 2015.
Islam Elkabani, Lama Hamandi, Rached Zantout, Simar Mansi “Toward Better Web Accessibility”, the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility, Marrakech, Morocco, December 21-23, 2015.
Islam Elkabani, Rached Zantout “A Framework for Helping the Visually Impaired Learn and Practice Math”, 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility, Marrakech, Morocco, December 21-23, 2015.
Auday AlDlaimi, Rached Zantout, Ahmed Zekri, Wassim Itani, “Job Classification in Cloud Computing: The Classification Effects on Energy Efficiency", The 1st International Workshop on Cloud and Service Management and Simulation (CSMS), In conjunction with the 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, Limassol, Cyprus, December 7-10, 2015.
Salah Al-Shami, Ali El-Zaart, Rached Zantout, Ahmed Zekri, Khaled Almustafa, “The Recognition of the Closed-set Patterns in the Saudi License Plates”, the International Conference on Applied Research in Computer Science & Engineering (ICAR'15), Beirut, Lebanon October 8-9, 2015.
Zantout, Rached, AlMustafa, Khaled, Hamandi, Lama, “Hybrid localization of Saudi License Plates “, The 19th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2015) Orlando, Florida, USA, July 12-15, 2015.
Osman, Ziad, Zantout, Rached, “Using Statistical Properties to Enhance Text Categorization”, The 19th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2015) Orlando, Florida, USA, July 12-15, 2015. Best Paper Award.
Salah Al-Shami, Ali El-Zaart, Rached Zantout, Ahmed Zekri, Khaled Almustafa, “A new feature extraction method for license plate recognition”, The Fifth International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP2015), Beirut, Lebanon, April 29 – May 01, 2015.
Suhad Yousif, Venus Samawi, Islam Elkabani, Rached Zantout “Enhancement of Arabic Text Classification Using Semantic Relation With Part Of Speech Tagger”, the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, January 10-12, 2015.
AlMasri, Bassam, Elkabani, Islam, Zantout, Rached “An Interactive Workspace for helping the Visually Impaired in Learning Linear Algebra“, 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs - ICCHP 2014, Universite Paris 8-St. Denis, Paris, France, July 9-11, 2014.
AlMustafa, Khaled, Zantout, Rached “Saudi License Plate Localization Using Hybrid Method“, 17th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON 2014, Beirut, Lebanon, April 13-16, 2014.
Hamandi, Lama, AlMustafa, Khaled, Zantout, Rached, Obeid, Hasan, “Recognition of Triangular Traffic Signs Using the Number of Peaks Algorithm “, The 2nd International conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications – ACTEA’12, Notre Dame University, Lebanon, December 12-15, 2012.
Itani, Maher, Elkabani, Islam, Hamandi, Lama, Zantout, Rached, “Classifying sentiment in Arabic Social Networks: Naïve-Search versus Naïve-Bayes “, The 2nd International conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications – ACTEA’12, Notre Dame University, Lebanon, December 12-15, 2012.
AlMustafa, R. Zantout, H. Obeid, Fadi Sibai “Recognizing Characters in Saudi License Plates Using Character Boundaries”, The Seventh International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology - IIT’11, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, April 25-27, 2011.
AlMustafa, R. Zantout, H. Obeid, “Peak Position, Recognizing Characters in Saudi License Plates”, 2011 IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition for Sustainable Ubiquitous Technology, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 19-22, 2011, pp. 186-189.
AlMustafa, R. Zantout, H. Obeid, “Pixel Density: Recognizing Characters in Saudi License Plates”, 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Cairo, Egypt, November 29 – December 1, 2010.
Osman, L. Hamandi, R. Zantout, F. Sibai, “Automatic Processing of Arabic Text”, 6th International conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations 09), Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, December 15-17, 2009.
Zantout, M. Jrab, L. Hamandi, F. Sibai, “Fleet Management Automation Using the Global Positioning System”, 6th International conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations 09), Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, December 15-17, 2009.
Mirza, Z. Osman, R. Zantout, M. El-Sayed, "Error Correction of noisy block cipher using cryptanalysis and natural language processing," Third International Conference on Network and System Security, Gold Coast, Australia, 19-21 October 2009.
Mirza, Z. Osman, R. Zantout, M. El-Sayed, "Correcting Noise in Block Ciphers," First International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, Indore, India, 23-25 July 2009.
Mirza, Z. Osman, R. Zantout, “A Novel Approach for Correcting Noisy AES Ciphers,” 2009 International Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ISP-09), Orlando, FL, July 13-16.
Mirza, Z. Osman, R. Zantout, "Correcting Noisy Ciphers in CBC mode," 2009 International Conference on Information and Network Technology (ICINT 2009), 10-12 July 2009, Perth, Australia.
Osman, L. Hamandi, R. Zantout, F. Sibai, “Arabic Optical Character Recognition”, The 10th Annual UAE University Research Conference, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, 13-16 April 2009.
Jizzini, R. Zantout, F. Sibai, “Faster Digital Image Processing Using FPGA”, The 10th Annual UAE University Research Conference, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, 13-16 April 2009.
Yaqzan, I. Damaj, R. Zantout, “GPS-based Vehicle Tracking System-on-Chip,” The Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, London, United Kingdom, 2 – 4 July, 2008. Vol. I, pp. 240 – 245. Nominated for Best Paper Award.
Rached Zantout, Mazen Jrab, Lama Hamandi, Fadi Sibai, Fleet Management Automation, The 9th Annual UAEU Research Conference, 21-23 April 2008, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates.
Hassan Obeid, Rached Zantout and Fadi Sibai, License Plate Localization in ALPR Systems, 4th International conference on Innovations in Information Technology (Innovations 07), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 18-20, 2007.
Hassan Obeid and Rached Zantout, Line Processing: An Approach to ALPR Character Recognition, 2007 ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Amman, Jordan, May 13-16.
Hamandi, I. Damaj, R. Zantout, and A. Guessoum, Parallelizing Arabic Morphological Analysis: Towards Faster Arabic Natural Language Processing Systems, CIBITIC, Beirut, Lebanon, May 2006.
Ameur Touir, Rached N. Zantout, Design and Implementation of an Automatic Road Network Map Processing System Using GPS Technology, 2003 ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Tunis, Tunisia, July 14-18, 2003.
Ziad A. Osman, Mazen Jrab, Souleiman Midani, Rached N. Zantout, Implementation of a System for Offline Tracking using GPS, Mediterranean Microwave Symposium 2003, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, May 6-8 2003.
Hamandi, R. Zantout, and A. Guessoum, A Parser for the Arabic Language, Sixteenth Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics, Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K., March 1-2, 2002.
Hamandi, R. Zantout, and A. Guessoum, Design and Implementation of an Arabic Morphological Analysis System, International Conference on Research Trends in Science And Technology, Lebanese American University, Beirut & Byblos, Lebanon, March 4-6, 2002.
Guessoum and R. Zantout, Semi-automatic Evaluation of the Grammatical Coverage of Machine Translation Systems, MT Summit VIII, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 18 - 22 September 2001.
Al-Sikhan, Abdullah and Zantout, Rached and Guessoum, Ahmed, Automating the evaluation of Machine Translation Systems Lexicons: Arabic Machine Translation Systems as Case Studies, 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications, Cairo, Egypt, February 3-6, 1999.
Zantout, Rached N., Zheng, Yuan F. , Determining Geodesics of a Discrete Surface, 1994 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Zantout, Rached N., Zheng, Yuan F. , Geodesics a Tool for Solving Material Properties Inverse Problems, 1994 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, China.
Zantout, Rached N., Zheng, Yuan F. , Surface Parameters Extraction Using Geodesics, The First IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Cairo, Egypt.
Maaz, K. Khawam, S. Lahoud,
J. Nasreddine
, and S. Tohme, Joint User Association, Power Control and Scheduling in Multi-Cell 5G Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2017), San Francisco, USA, 2017,
Maaz, K
, S. Lahoud, S
Tohme, "Achieving Power and Energy Efficiency in Self-Organizing Networks
" 14th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2017), Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2017
, S. El Hajj Hassan, "Interference Mitigation and Traffic Adaptation Using Cell Clustering For LTE-TDD Systems," IEEE International Multidisciplinary Conference on Engineering Technology (IMCET 2016), Beirut, Lebanon, November, 2016,
Maaz, K. Khawam, S. Lahoud, Steven Martin,
J. Nasreddine
, S. Tohme, " Joint scheduling and power control in multi-cell networks for inter-cell interference coordination," IEEE 11th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMOB 2015), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Oct. 2015,
Maaz, K. Khawam, S. Tohme, S. Lahoud
, J. Nasreddine
, " Inter-Cell Interference Coordination based on Power Control for Self-Organized 4G Systems," in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP 2015), Beirut, Lebanon, Apr-May 2015,
Patra, J. Riihijärvi,
J. Nasreddine
, P. Mähönen, "Environment-Aware Localization of Femtocells for Interference Management," in Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2014), Istanbul, Turkey, Apr. 2014,
El Kharsa,
J. Nasreddine
, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, "Interference Mitigation based on Channel Allocation Knowledge for Dense Femtocell Scenarios," The IEEE ICC 2013 2
International Workshop on Small Cell Wireless Networks (SmallNets), Budapest, Hungary, June 2013,
, J. Riihijärvi, A. Achtzehn, P. Mähönen, "The World is Not Flat: Wireless Communications in 3D Environments," in Proceedings of the 14
IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2013), Madrid, Spain, June 2013,
J. Nasreddine
and P. Mähönen, "Influence of Spatial Statistics of Spectrum Use on the Performance of Cognitive Wireless Networks," in Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWIM 2012), (Best paper award), Paphos, Cyprus Island, Oct. 2012,
J. Nasreddine
, F. Li, A. Zalonis, N. Dimitriou, Y. Ko, "Interference Management in heterogeneous wireless networks based on context information" in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS 2012), Paris, France, Aug. 2012
Zalonis, N. Dimitriou, A. Polydoros,
J. Nasreddine
, P. Mähönen, "Femtocell Downlink Power Control based on Radio Environment Maps," in Proceedings of the WCNC 2012,
, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, "Impact of Measurement Configurations on the Accuracy of Propagation Model Estimation with Applications to Dynamic Spectrum Access," in Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom 2012), Anaheim, CA, USA, Dec. 2012,
J. Nasreddine
, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, "Long-term Indoor Propagation Models for Radio Resource Management," in Proceedings of the 13
IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2012), San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2012,
J. Nasreddine
, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, "Enabling Run-Time Utility-Based Optimization Through Generic Interfaces in Wireless Networks," in Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing and Emerging Communication Networks - IEEE GLOBECOM 2011,
J. Nasreddine
, Z. Wang, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, "Design and Implementation of Utility-Based Radio Resource Optimization Using CAPRI," in Proceedings of the IWCMC 2011,
Cai, J. van de Beek, B. Sayrac, S. Grimoud,
J. Nasreddine
, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, "Design of Layered Radio Environment Maps for RAN Optimization in Heterogeneous LTE Systems," in Proceedings of the IEEE PIMRC 2011,
Meshkova, J. Ansari, J. Riihijärvi,
J. Nasreddine
, P. Mähönen, "Estimating Transmitter Activity Patterns: an Empirical Study in the Indoor Environment," in Proceedings of the IEEE PIMRC 2011,
Meshkova, J. Ansari, D. Denkovski, J. Riihijärvi,
J. Nasreddine
, M. Pavloski, L. Gavrilovska, P. Mähönen, "Experimental Spectrum Sensor Testbed for Constructing Indoor Radio Environmental Maps," in Proceedings of the IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN 2011) 2011 - Poster session, Aachen, Germany, April 2011,
, N. Miliou, J. Riihijärvi, A. Polydoros, P. Mähönen, "Using Geolocation Information for Dynamic Spectrum Access in Cellular Networks," in Proceedings of the 6th ACM Workshop on Performance Monitoring and Measurement of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks (PM²HW²N 2011) in conjunction with MSWIM 2011, Miami, Florida, USA, 2011,
, J. Riihijärvi, X. Li, P. Mähönen, "Exploring Opportunistic Access Techniques Using Stochastic Models: Dynamic Spectrum Access Without Sensing," in Proceedings of the 2011 Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2011), Baltimore, MD, 2011,
J. Nasreddine
, P. Mähönen, M. Petrova, "Cross-layer optimal spectrum sensing duration and scheduling in cognitive networks,"
invited paper
in ACM CoRoNet 2011 in conj. with Mobicom 2011, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2011,
J. Nasreddine
and P. Mähönen, "Influence of Primary Network Structure and Dynamics on Achievable Performance of Cognitive Wireless Networks," in Proceedings of the IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN 2011), Aachen, Germany, 2011,
, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, "Transmit Power Control for Secondary Use in Environments with Correlated Shadowing," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Communications (ICC 2011), Kyoto, Japan, 2011,
Meshkova, Z. Wang,
J. Nasreddine
, D. Denkovskiy, K. Rerkrai, T. Farnham, A. de Baynast, A. Gefflaut, L. Gavrilovskay, P. Mähönen, "Using Cognitive Radio Principles for Wireless Resource Management in Home Networking," in Proceedings of the IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2011), pp.669-673, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2011,
, A. Achtzehn, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, "Enabling Secondary Access through Robust Primary User Channel Assignment," in Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2010), Miami, USA, Dec. 2010,
, M. Petrova, P. Mähönen, T. Cai, G. P. Koudouridis, J. Johansson, "An Implementation of Cognitive Resource Management in LTE," in Proceedings of the IEEE 21st International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2010), Istanbul, Turkey, Sept. 2010,
J. Nasreddine
, J Riihijärvi, M. Petrova, P. Mähönen, "Improving QoE in wireless networks through cognitive network optimization," Future Networks and Mobile Summit, June 2010,
Novillo, R. Ferrus, R. Agustí,
J. Nasreddine
, "Opportunistic Channel Allocation Algorithms for WLANs Based on IEEE802.11," Future Networks and Mobile Summit, June 2010,
J. Nasreddine
, P. Mähönen,, "Impact of Primary User Activity Patterns on Spatial Spectrum Reuse Opportunities," in Proceedings of the European Wireless (EW 2010), April 2010,
, J. Riihijärvi, P. Mähönen, "Location-based Adaptive Detection Threshold for Dynamic Spectrum Access," in Proceedings of the IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN 2010), Singapore, April 2010,
Nasreddine, J. Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, "Advanced Spectrum Management for the Downlink of WCDMA Systems using Genetic Algorithms," in Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring 2009), Barcelona, Spain, 2009,
N. Ververidis,
J. Nasreddine
, P. Mähönen, "Distributed Channel Selection Protocol for Single-Hop Transmissions in Cognitive Radio Networks," Poster Paper, in Proceedings of the 6th ACM Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (PE-WASUN2009), in conjunction with MSWiM 2009, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, Oct. 2009,
, J. Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, R. Agustí, "A Primary Spectrum Management Solution Facilitating Secondary Usage Exploitation," ICT-Mobile Summit, Stokholm-Sweden, 2008,
, J. Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, R. Agustí, "Simulated Annealing-Based Advanced Spectrum Management Methodology for WCDMA Systems," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Beijing-China, May 2008,
Gelonch, X. Revés, V. Marojevic,
J. Nasreddine
, J. Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, "A Real Time Emulator Demonstrating Advanced Resource Management Solutions," in Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2007) - Jaipur (India), Dec. 2007 (
Best Paper Award
Sallent, R. Agustí, J. Pérez-Romero,
J. Nasreddine
, L. Giupponi, "Integrated spectrum and radio resource management framework for joint optimisation of heterogeneous cognitive networks, " in Proceedings of the 18th meeting of the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), Finland, 2007,
Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, R. Agustí,
J. Nasreddine
, M. Muck "Radio Access Technology Selection enabled by IEEE P1900.4," in Proceedings of the 16th IST Mobile & Wireless Comm. Summit 2007,
Sallent, J. Pérez-Romero, X. Gelabert,
J. Nasreddine
, R. Agustí, F. Casadevall, A. Umbert, J. Olmos, "Gestión Integrada de Redes de Acceso Radio Celulares 2G, 2.5G y 3G," XXII Simpósium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio de 2007, URSI2007, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, Sep. 2007,
, O. Sallent, J. Pérez-Romero, R. Agustí, "Novel Inter-Cell Interaction Approach for WCDMA-based Cognitive Networks," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Glasgow-Scotland, June 2007,
, J. Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, R. Agustí, "Intra-RAT Spectrum Management Methodology for WCDMA Systems Encompassing Uplink and Downlink," in Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Hong Kong, March 2007,
Fraile, J. Monserrat, N. Cardona,
J. Nasreddine
, "Impact of slow fading modelling on TD-CDMA system-level simulations," in Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Valencia, Spain, Sept. 2006,
, J. Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, R. Agustí, X. Lagrange, "A Proposal on Frequency Management Methodologies for WCDMA Systems using Statistical Coupling Matrices", in Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Valencia, Spain, Sept. 2006,
, J. Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, R. Agustí ,"Dynamic Spectrum Management Methodology for WCDMA Systems Based on Inter-Cell Interaction Approach", in Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, San Diego, USA, Sept. 2006,
, J. Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, R. Agustí, X. Lagrange, "A Proposal on Frequency Management Methodologies for WCDMA Systems using Cell Coupling Matrices", in Proceedings of the 64th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 2006,
J. Nasreddine
, R. Agustí, J. Pérez-Romero, O. Sallent, "A Two-Layer Approach for Improved Intra-operator Radio Resource Usage", in Proceedings of the 16th meeting of the Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF), Work Group 6 Reconfigurability, 2006,
, X. Lagrange, "On The Computation of the Maximum Capacity of TDMA-CDMA/TDD Systems", in Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 2006,
J. Nasreddine
, R. Agustí, X. Lagrange, "On Managing Multiple WCDMA Carriers under Varying Traffic Conditions", Workshop Trends in Radio Resource Management (2nd Edition), Barcelone, Spain, 2005,
and X. Lagrange, "Performance of TD-CDMA systems during crossed slots", in Proceedings of the 60
IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, Los Angeles, USA, 2004,
and X. Lagrange, "Time Slot Allocation Based on Normalized Path Gain for TD-CDMA TDD Systems", in Proceedings of the 1st International conference on Information & Communication technologies: From theory to Application, Damascus, Syria, 2004,
Noguet, J-P. Bouyoud, L. Zaghdoudi, D. Varreau, B. Jechoux, P. LeCorre, X. Lagrange,
J. Nasreddine
, "A hardware testbed for UMTS/TDD joint detection base-band receivers", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications, ISSSTA 2004,
and X. Lagrange, "A Simplified Generic Optimum Power Control Scheme for CDMA Cellular Systems", in Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Adaptive Wireless Networks (in conjunction with GLOBECOM 2004), Dallas, USA 2004,
, L. Nuaymi and X. Lagrange, "Downlink Adaptive Power Control Algorithm for 3G Cellular CDMA Networks", in Proceedings of the 15
IEEE international symposium on personal, indoor and mobile radio communications conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2004,
, L. Nuaymi and Xavier Lagrange, "Adaptive Power Control Algorithm for 3G Cellular CDMA Networks", in Proceedings of the 59
IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, Milan, Italy, May 2004,
and X. Lagrange, "Time slot allocation based on a path gain division scheme for TD-CDMA TDD systems," in Proceedings of the 57th IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, Jeju, Korea, April 2003, pp. 880-884,
and X. Lagrange, "Comparison of different slot allocation schemes in a TD-CDMA TDD system," in Proceedings of the second IEEE Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks, Paris, France, July 2002,
and X. Lagrange, "Power control and slot allocation in a TD-CDMA system," in Proceedings of the 55
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Birmingham, USA, May 2002.
articles peer-reviewed demonstration papers in international conferences with proceedings
Riihijärvi, J. Nasreddine, P. Mähönen, "Demonstrating Radio Environment Map Construction from Massive Data Sets," in Proceedings of the IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN 2012),
Atanasovskiy, D. Denkovskiy, T. Farnham,
et al.
, "Self-organizing Home Networking based on Cognitive Radio Technologies," in Proceedings of the IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN 2011), Aachen, Germany, April 2011,
Wang, J. Ansari, V. Atanasovski,
et al.
, "Cognitive Radio for Home Networking," in Proceedings of the IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN 2010), Singapore, April 2010.
Racha Soubra,
Mohamad O. Diab
, Bassam Moslem, “A Mother Wavelet Selection Study for Vertical Ground Reaction Force”, Proceeding of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART 2017), Aug. 30th-Sep. 1st. 2017, Paris, France.
Rami Alkhatib,
Mohamad Diab
, Christophe Corbier, Mohamed El Badaoui, “A Modified Filtering Model of VGRF Gait Signals”, Proceeding of the 2
IEEE International Conference on Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART 2017), Aug. 30th-Sep. 1st. 2017, Paris, France.
Racha Soubra,
Mohamad Diab
, Bassam Moslem. “Identification of Parkinson's disease by using multichannel Vertical Ground Reaction Force signals”, Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Bio-engineering for Smart Technologies (BioSMART 2016), Dec. 4th-7th, 2016, Dubai, UAE.
Mohamad O. Diab
, Bassam Moslem, Rami Alkhatib, Christophe Corbier, Mohamed El Badaoui. “Synchrosqueezing Characterize Non-Stationary Signals: Application on Gait-Vertical Ground Reaction Force”, Global Summit on Computer & Information Technology (GSCIT), Soussa, Tunisia, July 16-18, 2016.
, B.Moslem ,R.Alkhatib, C.Corbier, M.El Badawi, “Frequency Content Analysis of Gait -Vertical Ground Reaction Force”, Third International Conference On Advances In Biomedical Engineering (ICABME15), IEEE, Lebanese University (LU), Hadat-Beirut, Lebanon, September 16-18, 2015.
Rami Alkhatib, Christophe Corbier, Mohamed El Badaoui, Bassam Moslem,
Mohamad Diab
. ‘Sensors’ Ground Reaction Force Behavior for Booth Normal and Parkinson Subjects – A Qualitative Study’, Proceedings of the 37
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. Milano, Italy Aug. 25-29, 2015.
Samir Berjawi, Rami Alkhatib, Abdallah Elshiekh, Mazen Morad, Mohamad O. Diab. ‘Free Flwoing Robot for Atomatic pipeline Leak Detection Using Piezoelectric Film Sensors’. Proceedings of MedGO International Conference, pp. 66-68, Beirut, Lebanon, April 16-18, 2015.
Rami Alkhatib,
Mohamad Diab
, Bassam Moslem, Christophe Corbier, Mohamed El Badaoui. ‘Gait-Ground Reaction Force Sensors Selection Based on ROC Curve Evaluation’, Proceedings of the 4
International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, Suzhou, China, March 18-20, 2015.
Diab, M.
, Saleh, S., Dichari, M., Aloulou, N., Hamoui, O., Chehade, F. 'Reduction of Physician's Radiation Dose during Cardiac Catheterization Procedures Using Lead-Free Sterile Radiation Shields'. Proceedings of the 17
International Conference on Computational Physics, 241-244, Madrid, Spain March 26 - 27, 2015.
Rami Alkhatib, Mohamad Diab, Bassam Moslem, Christophe Corbier, Mohamed El Badaoui. “Classification of Ground Reaction Forces Based on Non Stationary Analysis”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, IEEE ICCVIA 2015, pp. 1-4 , Soussa, Tunisia, Jan. 2015.
Farah Chaaban, Nazih Moubayed, Mirna Atieh, Hassan Tahini, Oussama Mustapha, Nizar F. Al Awar, Reem Abou Marak,
Mohamad O. Diab
. ‘Utilization and Modeling Of An Artificial Muscle: Application on IPMC muscle’. Proceedings of The Third International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development (ICeND-IEEE), pp:1-6, Beirut, Lebanon, 2014.
Mohamad O. Diab
, Nizar Al Awar, Mirna Atieh, Reem Brome, Mariam Salloum, Oussama Mustapha, Nazih Moubayed, ‘Electromechanical Model of IPMC Artificial Muscle’, Proceedings of the IEEE ICCAI’14, pp:1-5, Sousse, Tunisia, 2014.
Bassam Moslem, Jamila Khalaf, Oussama Bazzi,
Mohamad O. Diab
, ‘Direct Assessment of The Fetal Heart Rate from Abdominal Composite Recordings’, Proceedings of the XVIII Medical Informatics & Technology International Conference, MIT 2013, pp. , Ladek Zdroj, Poland, Oct. 2013.
Maher M. Sabbah, Bassam M. Moslem,
Mohamad O. Diab
, ‘Validation of Magneto-Hydrodynamics Model’, Proceedings of the 21
European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2013, pp. , Marrakesh, Morocco, Sep. 2013.
Jamila Khalaf, Bassam Moslem, Oussama Bazzi,
Mohamad O. Diab
, ‘Fetal ECG extraction from abdominal composite recordings – A preliminary study’, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advances on Biomedical Engineering, IEEE ICABME’13, pp. 141-144, Tripoli, Lebanon, Sep. 2013.
Mohamad Diab
, Reem Brome, Mustapha Dichari, Bassam Moslem,‘The Smartphone Accessory Heart Rate Monitor’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Medical Applications, IEEE ICCMA, pp. 1-5 , Soussa, Tunisia, Jan. 2013.
Ramzi Halabi,
Mohamad Diab
, Bassam Moslem, Mohamad Khalil, Catherine Marque, ‘Cross-Correlation Analysis of Multichannel Uterine EMG Signals’, Proceedings of the 34
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference IEEE EMBC, pp. 3016-3019, San Diego, USA, Sep. 2012.
Ramzi Halabi,
Mohamad Diab,
Bassam Moslem, Mohamad Khalil, Catherine Marque, ‘Detecting Missing Signals in Multichannel Recordings by Using Higher Order Statistics’, Proceedings of the 34
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference IEEE EMBC, pp. 3110-3113, San Diego, USA, Sep. 2012.
Mohamad O. DIAB,
Bassam MOSLEM, Mohamad KHALIL, Catherine MARQUE, “Classification of Multichannel Uterine EMG Signals Using a Reduced Number of Channels”, Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications, ISMA’12 IEEE, American University of Sharjah, UAE. pp: 1- 4, April 2012.
Mohamad O. DIAB,
George Ismail, Maysam Al-Jawha, Abir Hsaiky, Bassam Moslem, Maher Sabbah, Mohamad Taha. “Biofeedback For Epilepsy Treatment”, Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications, ISMA’12 IEEE, American University of Sharjah, UAE. pp: 1- 4, April 2012.
Mohamad O. DIAB,
Bassam MOSLEM, Mohamad KHALIL, Catherine MARQUE, “Classification of Uterine EMG Signals by Using Normalized Wavelet Packet Energy”, Proceedings of the 16
Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2012, IEEE, Hammamet, Tunisia, pp: 335-338 March 2012.
Bassam MOSLEM,
Mohamad O. DIAB,
Mohamad KHALIL, Catherine MARQUE, “Classification of Multichannel Uterine EMG Signals by Using A Weighted Majority Voting Fusion Rule”, Proceedings of the 16
Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2012, IEEE, Hammamet, Tunisia, pp: 331-334 March 2012.
Bassam MOSLEM, Aly Chkeir,
Mohamad, O. DIAB
, Mohamad KHALIL, Catherine MARQUE, “Combining Multiple Support Vector Machines for Boosting the Classification Accuracy of Uterine EMG Signals”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Lebanon, pp: 631-634, Dec. 2011.
Bassam MOSLEM, Aly Chkeir,
Mohamad, O. DIAB
, Mohamad KHALIL, Catherine MARQUE, “A Multisensor Data Fusion Approach for Improving the Classification Accuracy of Uterine EMG Signals”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Lebanon, pp: 93-96, Dec. 2011.
Bassam MOSLEM,
Mohamad, O. DIAB
, Mohamad KHALIL, Catherine MARQUE, “Classification of Multichannel Uterine EMG signals Using Unsupervised Competitive Learning”, Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, Lebanon, pp: 267-272, Oct. 2011.
Moslem B., Karlsson, B.,
Diab M.O.
, Khalil M., Marque C., “Classification performance of frequency-related parameters derived from uterine EMG signals”, Proceedings of the
Annual Inter. IEEE EMBS
, Boston, USA, pp: 3371-3374, Aug. 2011.
Moslem B.,
Diab M.O.
, Khalil M., Marque C., “Classification of multichannel uterine EMG signals”, Proceedings of the
Annual Inter.
, Boston, USA, pp: 2602-2605, Aug. 2011.
Bassam MOSLEM,
Mohamad, O. DIAB
, Mohamad KHALIL, Catherine MARQUE, “Analyse des signaux EMG utérin pour le suivi de grossesse et la détection de l’accouchement”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Lebanon, Lebanon. pp: 95-96, July, 2011.
Mohamad, O. DIAB
. Application of EMG Processing and Analysis in Optimal Muscle Building Workouts, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Lebanon, Lebanon. pp: 97-98, July, 2011.
Bassam Moslem,
Mohamad O. Diab,
Mohamad Khalil, Catherine Marque , Detrended Fluctuatioin Analysis Of Uterine Electromyography, Proceedings of the IEEE 1st Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME 2011). Sharjah, UAE, pp: 450-453, Feb. 2011.
Moslem B., Khalil M., Marque C. ,
Diab M. O.,
Complexity analysis of the uterine electromyography, Proceedings of the 32
Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp: 2802-2805, Aug. 2010.
Moslem B., Khalil M., Marque C. ,
Diab M. O.
A Wavelet Packet-based Energetic Approach for the Analysis of the Uterine EMG. Proceedings of the ISSNIP BRC Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference 2010, Selected Best Paper, Victoria, Brazil, pp: 98-102, Jan. 2010.
Moslem, M. Hassan, M. Khalil, C. Marque,
M. O. Diab
Monitoring the progress of pregnancy and detecting labor using electromyography, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics (ISBB2009), Melbourne, Australia, pp: 160-163, Dec. 2009.
Diab M. O.
, Hassan W., Farges G. A Non-Aggressive Thermo-Cardio-Respiratory Sensor Conception Associated To Cardio-Modulo-Respiratory Method For Long-Term Monitoring. Fouth IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices SSD’07, Selected Best Paper, March 19-22, 2007, Hammamet, Tunisia.
Khalil M., Mustapha O.,
Diab M. O.
Time Frequency Analysis And Classification of Long Duration SEMG Signals: Application On Fatigue Detection, International conference on modelling and simulation (MS’05), Selected Best Paper, June 2005.
Diab, Mohamad O
.; Marque, Catherine; Khalil, Mohamad
Unsupervised Classification in Uterine Electromyography Signal: Toward The Detection of Preterm Birth. 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Shanghai, Chine, pp: 5660-5663, Sep. 2005.
Diab M. O.
, Marque C., Khalil M. An Unsupervised Classification Method of Uterine Electromyography Signals Using Wavelet Decomposition. Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS San Francisco, CA, USA, pp: 192-195, Sep. 2004.
Diab M. O.
, Marque C., Khalil M. Uterine electromyography signals: Classification and Interpretation. Proceedings of the 2nd Cairo International Biomedical Engineering Conference (CIBEC, IEEE EMBS), Cairo, Egypt, pp: 1-4, Dec. 2004.
Alaa Seif, Mohamad El Abed, Mohamad O. Diab. ‘Biometrics Recognition: A Case Study of ECG Signals’. 23th LAAS International Scientific Conference, LAAS,Submitted, pp:, Lebanese University, Rafik Hariri Campus, Hadath , Lebanon, April 6-7, 2017.
Racha Soubra, Bassam Moslem, Mohamad O. Diab. ‘Vertical Ground Reaction Force Analysis For Parkinson’s Disease Detection’. 23th LAAS International Scientific Conference, LAAS, Submitted, pp: , Lebanese University, Rafik Hariri Campus, Hadath , Lebanon, April 6-7, 2017.
Rami Alkhatib,
Mohamad O. Diab
, Bassam Moslem, Christophe Corbier, Mohamed ElBadaoui. ‘Gait-Ground Reaction Force Analysis – Balancing Parameters ’. 21
LAAS International Scientific Conference, LAAS, pp: 95, Universite Saint Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon, April 15-17, 2015.
Alaa Seif, Myriam Chamaa, Abdulaziz Alshaheen, Racha Awada, Ramzi Halabi,
Mohamad O. Diab
. ‘Effect of Binaural Beats on Consciousness Levels. 21
LAAS International Scientific Conference, LAAS, pp: 95, Universite Saint Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon, April 15-17, 2015.
Mohamad O. Diab
, Sahera Saleh, Mustapha Dichery, Nijez Aloulou. ‘The Efficacy of Sterile Lead-Free Drapes in Attenuating Interventional Radiologist’s Radiation Exposure Dose’. 21
LAAS International Scientific Conference, LAAS, pp: 51, Universite Saint Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon, April 15-17, 2015.
Reem Brome,
Mohamad O. Diab
, Nizar Awar, Mirna Atieh. ‘Modeling and Charaterization of Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) Artificial Muscle’. 21
LAAS International Scientific Conference, LAAS, pp: 52, Universite Saint Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon, April 15-17, 2015.
Rami Alkhatib,
Mohamad O. Diab
, Bassam Moslem, Christophe Corbier, Mohamed ElBadaoui. ‘Non Stationary Analysis of Gait-Ground Reaction Force Signals’. 20
LAAS International Scientific Conference, LAAS, pp: 1-2, Beirut, Lebanon, 2014.
Ramzi Halabi, Bassam Moslem,
Mohamad O. Diab,
Mohamad Khalil, “Evaluating the dependency of multichannel uterine EMG signals by using a non linear cross-correlation analysis”, 18th LAAS International Scientific Conference, pp: 22-24, Bierut Arab University, Bierut, Lebanon, March, 2012.
Bassam Moslem, Mohamad Khalil, Catherine Marque,
Mohamad O. Diab
, Monitoring pregnancy using uterine electromyography. Proceedings of the 17
LAAS International Scientific Conference, The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Jounieh, Lebanon. Nov. 2010.
George Ismail
Fayez Elhamra, Alaa Zayden,
Mohamad O. Diab,
Electrical Drop Foot Prothesis. Proceedings of the 16
LAAS International Scientific Conference, Beirut Arab University, Bierut, Lebanon. Nov. 2009.
Mohammad DIAB
, Advanced Artificial Hand. Proceedings of the 16
LAAS International Scientific Conference, Beirut Arab University, Bierut, Lebanon. Nov. 2009.
Mohamad O. Diab,
Amira El-Merhie, Nehmat El-Hariri, Nour El-Halabi, Hospital Risk Assessment. Proceedings of the 16
LAAS International Scientific Conference, Beirut Arab University, Bierut, Lebanon. Nov. 2009.
Mohamad O. Diab
, Fatima Jaber, May Awad, Classification of uterine EMG signals According to the Position of the Placenta. Proceedings of the 16
LAAS International Scientific Conference, Beirut Arab University, Bierut, Lebanon. Nov. 2009.
Sabbah, E. Chauvet, A.Briguet, O.Fokapu Un module de traitement pour la synchronisation de séquences RMN sur le rythme cardiaque, 3e Colloque Interdisciplinaire en Instrumentation C2I 2004, Edition Hermès, 1 :167-172 (2004)
Sabbah,, L. Fakri-Bouchet, O. Fokapu, Gated Magnetic Resonance Imaging of cardiac morphology in obese Zucker rats, 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference. Prague, Nov 2005.
Alsaid, M. Sabbah, O. Fokapu, A. Briguet, E. Canet Soulas, “High-Resolution MRI with a new cardiac and respiratory gating system for contrast-enhanced MRI of the carotids in the ApoE-/- mouse”, ISMRM 14th Scientific meeting & exhibition; Seattle, 6-12 May 2006.
Sabbah, H. Alsaïd, A. Briguet, O.Fokapu, E. Canet-Soulas, “Application of Real Time System on Mouse Cardiovascular MR”, 2nd IEEE international conference on information & communication technologies: from theory to applications, Damas April 24 - 28, 2006.
Alsaid, M. Sabbah, C. Corot, A. Briguet, Y. Crémillieux, P. Douek, E. Canet-Soulas. “High-Resolution Contrast-Enhancement MRI of Atherosclerosis with Digital Cardiac and Respiratory Gating in Mice”, 19th annual Magnetic Resonance Angiography, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007.
Sabbah, B. Moslem, M. Diab. “Magnetohydrodynamics: Application in Cardiovascular MRI”, ISMA’12 American University of Sharjah, UAE April 10-12, 2012.
Sabbah, B. Moslem, M. Diab. “MagnetoHydroDynamics: A Completed Modeling and Simulation Tool for MRI”, ICSPT Sousse, Tunisia March 24-26, 2013
Sabbah, B. Moslem, M. Diab. “Validation of MagnetoHydroDynamics Model”, EUSIPCO, Marrakech, September 9-13, 2013.
Sabbah, R. Khatib, S. Saad, S. Sandid, M. Diab. “Feasibility Study for Magneto Hydrodynamics Hardware Model”, ICABME Tripoli, September 11-13, 2013.
College of Arts and Sciences
Book Chapters
Soloh, A. Rammal, M. El-Abed, “Brain Tumor Recognition and Classification Techniques”, ISBN: 9780443240287, Data Science in the Medical Field, Elsevier, 2024.
Nassreddine, A. Arid, M. Nassereddine, “Internet of Things in the Intelligent Transportation System”, IoT Edge Intelligence, Springer, 2024.
El samad, G. Nassredine, A. Elkheir. “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”, Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Processing: Improved Decision-Making and Prediction, Crc Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023.
Hamzeh, G. Nassreddine, J. Younis, “Blockchain in healthcare sector”, Network-Enabled IoT Applications for Smart City Services, IGI global. 2023.
Abdulmajeed, G. Nassreddine, A. Arid, J. Youniss. “Machine Learning Approach in Human Resources Department”, Artificial Intelligence Methods and Applications in Computer Engineering. IGI global, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6937-8, 2023.
Nassreddine, A. Arid. “Artificial Intelligence in Navigation Systems”. Artificial Intelligence Methods and Applications in Computer Engineering. IGI global, 2023.
Nasserddine, M. Nasserddine, A. Arid. “Internet of Things integration in Renewable Energy Systems”, Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twin, and Internet of Things for Sustainable Development. IGI global, 2023.
Nassreddine, A. Arid. “Decision Making Systems”, Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning. IGI global, 2023.
Dafer, M. El-Abed, “Evaluation of Keystroke Dynamics Authentication Systems: Analysis of Physical and Touch Screen Keyboards”, Developing Next-Generation Countermeasures for Homeland Security Threat Prevention, ISBN: 978-1-5225-0703-1, 2017.
El-Abed, P. Lacharme, and C. Rosenberger, “Privacy and Security Assessment of Biometric Systems”, Advances in Security and Privacy of Biometric Systems, Cambridge scholar publishing, ISBN: 978-1-4438-7183-9, 2015.
El-Abed, C. Charrier, and C. Rosenberger, “Evaluation of Biometric Systems”, New Trends and Developments in Biometrics, InTech, ISBN: 978-953-51- 0859-7, DOI: 5772/52084, 2012.
El-Abed, B. Hemery, J. Mahier, and C. Rosenberger, “Performance Evaluation of Biometric Systems”, Signal and Image Processing for Biometrics, ISBN 978-1-84821-285-2, ISTE-WILEY, 2012.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Keystroke Dynamics Overview”, ISBN 978-953-307-618-8, Biometrics, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/17064, 2011.
Ali Rammal, Sylvie Trouilhet, Nicolas Singer, and Jean-Marie Pécatte, “Collecting and Classifying Large Scale Data to Build an Adaptive and Collective Memory: a Case Study in e-Health for a Pro-active Management”, Multi-Agent Systems, ISBN: 978-953-307-568-6, InTech publisher, 2011.
Journal Papers
Soloh, A. El Chakik, H. Alabboud, A. Shahin, and A. Yassine.” Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on α - Expansion Graph Cut”. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 2024.
Nassereddine, G. Nassreddine. “The Impact of Continuous Potential Development Activities on Student Learning Outcomes and Employability”, International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2024.
Nassereddine, G. Nassreddine, T. ElHassan. “EV and PV Advanced Roles in Enhancing the Financial Performance of a Manufacturing and Commercial Setup”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2024.
Hussein, G. Nassreddine & I. Younis. “The Impact of Information Technology Integration on the Decision-Making Process”, Journal of Techniques, 5(1), 2023.
Mohsen, G. Nassreddine & M. Massoud. “Credit Card Fraud Detector Based on Machine Learning Techniques”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies, 5(2), 2023.
Sadeq, Z. Hamzeh, G. Nassreddine & T. ElHassan. “The impact of Blockchain technique on trustworthy healthcare sector”, Mesopotamian Journal of CyberSecurity, 2023.
Ilwani, G. Nassreddine, & J. Younis. “Machine Learning Application on Employee Promotion”, Mesopotamian Journal of Computer Science, 2023.
Nassreddine, J. Younis & T. Falahi. “Detecting Data Outliers with Machine Learning”, Al-Salam Journal for Engineering and Technology, 2(2), 2023.
Sadeq, G. Nassreddine, J. Younis. “Impact of Artificial Intelligence on E-marketing”, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, 7 (1), 2023.
Ali, G. Nassreddine, J. Younis. “Air Quality prediction using Multinomial Logistic Regression”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies, 4(2), 2022.
Soloh, A. El Chakik, H. Alabboud, A. Shahin, and A. Yassine. “New descriptors’ combination for 3D mesh correspondence and retrieval”, Int. J. Computational Vision and Robotics, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2022.
Nassreddine, A. Arid. “Data Fusion Technique for E-Learning Evaluation Based on Evidence Theory”, Journal of Computational and Cognitive Engineering, 2022.
Nasserddine, M. Nassereddine. “Bifacial Vertical Photovoltaic System Design for Farming Irrigation System”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), 10(2), 2022.
Tafran, M. El-Abed, Z. Osman, I. Elkabbani, “Blind Image Quality Assessment for Face Pose Problem”, BAU Journal – Science and Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 2, 2020.
Diab, A. Seif, M. El-Abed, M. Sabbah, “Individual Identification Using ECG Signals”, Journal of Computer and Communications, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2018.
El-Abed, “Usability Assessment of Keystroke Dynamics Systems”, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 55 Issue 3, 2017.
El-Abed, C. Charrier, and C. Rosenberger, “Quality Assessment of Image-based Biometric Information”, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, Springer International Publishing, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015.
El-Abed, R. Giot, B. Hemery, and C. Rosenberger, “Evaluation of Biometric Systems: A Study of Users’ Acceptance and Satisfaction”, International Journal of Biometrics (IJBM), 4, No. 3, 2012.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Fast Computation of the Performance Evaluation of Biometric Systems: Application to Multibiometrics”, Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) Special Issue on Recent Developments in High Performance Computing and Security, Elsevier, Vol. 29, 2013.
El-Abed, R. Giot, B. Hemery, J.J. Schwartzmann, and C. Rosenberger, “Towards the Security Evaluation of Biometric Authentication Systems”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), 4, No. 3, 2012.
Mahier, B. Hemery, M. El-Abed, M. El-Allam, M. Bouhaddaoui, and C. Rosenberger, “Computation EvaBio: A Tool for Performance Evaluation in Biometrics”, International Journal of Automated Identification Technology (IJAIT), 3, No. 2, 2011.
Giot, M. El-Abed, B. Hemery, and C. Rosenberger, “Unconstrained Keystroke Dynamics Authentication with Shared Secret”, Computers & Security, Elsevier, Vol. 30, 2011.
Singer, S. Trouilhet, and A. Rammal. “Meta-monitoring using an adaptive agent-based system to support dependent people in place,” International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS), IGI Global, Vol. 3, No. 1, ISSN 1943-0744, 2011.
Rammal, S. Trouilhet, N. Singer, and J.M. Pécatte, “An Adaptive System for Home Monitoring Using a Multiagent Classification of Patterns”, International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Article ID 136054, doi:10.1155/2008/136054, 8 pages, 2008.
Nassereddine, J. Rizk, G. Nassereddine. “Soil Resistivity Structure and Its Implication on the Pole Grid Resistance for Transmission Lines”. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Open Science Index 73, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7(1), 2013.
Nassereddine, A. Hellany, J. Rizk, G. Nassreddine. “Soil Resistivity Data Computations; Single and Two - Layer Soil Resistivity Structure and Its Implication on Earthing Design”. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Open Science Index 73, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7(1), 2013.
Abdallah, G. Nassreddine and T. Denoeux. “A multiple-hypotheses map matching method suitable for weighted and box-shaped state estimation for localization”, IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems, vol. 12, issue 4, 2011.
Nassreddine, F. Abdallah. “A new state estimation method for dynamic system using interval analysis and belief function theory”. Transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics, vol. 40, issue 5, 2010.
Conference Papers
Nassreddine, A. El Arid, & M. Nasseredine. “Solar PV Power Prediction System Based on Machine Learning Approach”. In IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids (ETFG), 2023.
Soloh, A. El Chakik, H. Alabboud, A. Shahin, and A. Yassine. “3D Mesh Matching using Surface Descriptor and Integer Linear Programming”, EJONS 12th International Congress on Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences, pp.338-347, 2021.
Tafran, M. El-Abed, Z. Othman, I. Elkabani, “A No-Reference Image Quality Assessment for Detecting Illumination Alteration”, IEEE 10th International Conference on Information and Communication, Jordan, 2019.
El-Abed, M. Dafer, and C. Rosenberger, “RHU Keystroke Touchscreen Benchmark”, ACM International Conference on Cyberworlds - Cybersecurity and Biometrics Track, Singapore, 2018.
Sabra, R. Zantout, M. El-Abed, L. Hamandi, “Sentiment Analysis: Arabic Sentiment Lexicons”, IEEE International Conference on Sensors, Networks, Smart, and Emerging Technologies (SENSET’17), Lebanon, 2017.
El-Abed, R. Giot, R. Bourquis, “Zoo Graph - a New Visualisation for Biometric System Evaluation”, 20th International Conference on Information Visualization, Lisbon - Portugal, 2016.
Alwan, M. El-Abed, R. Zantout, “Vehicle Recognition from Partial Images”, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications, Lebanon, 2016.
El-Abed, M. Dafer, and R. El Khayat, “RHU Keystroke: A Mobile-based Benchmark for Keystroke Dynamics Systems”, 48th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST), Rome, Italy, 2014.
El-Abed, A. Ninassi, C. Charrier, and C. Rosenberger, “Fingerprint Quality Assessment using a No-Reference Image Quality Metric”, IEEE 21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Marrakech, Morocco, 2013.
El-Abed, P. Lacharme, and C. Rosenberger, “Security EvaBio: An Analysis Tool for the Security Evaluation of Biometric Authentication Systems”, 5th IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), New Delhi, India, 2012.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Web-Based Benchmark for Keystroke Dynamics Biometric Systems: A Statistical Analysis”, the 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP), Piraeus-Athens, Greece, 2012.
Giot, A. Ninassi, M. El-Abed, C. Rosenberger, “Analysis of the Acquisition Process for Keystroke Dynamics”, IEEE International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), Darmstadt, Germany, 2012.
Belguechi, E. Cherrier, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Evaluation of Cancelable Biometric Systems: Application to Finger-Knuckle-Prints”, IEEE International Conference on Hand-Based Biometrics (ICHB), Hong Kong, 2011.
Mahier, M. El-Abed, B. Hemery, C. Rosenberger, “Towards a Distributed Benchmarking Tool for Biometrics”, IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation Conference (HPCS), Turkey, 2011.
El-Abed, R. Giot, B. Hemery, C. Charrier, and C. Rosenberger, “A SVM-Based Model for the Evaluation of Biometric Sample Quality”, SSCI 2011 CIBIM - IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management, Paris, France, 2011.
El-Abed, R. Giot, B. Hemery, and C. Rosenberger, “A Study of Users’ Acceptance and Satisfaction of Biometric Systems”, IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST), San Jose California, USA, 2010.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Fast Learning for Multibiometrics Systems Using Genetic Algorithms”, IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), Caen, France, 2010.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Keystroke Dynamics Authentication for Collaborative Systems”, IEEE International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2009.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “GREYC Keystroke: a Benchmark for Keystroke Dynamics Biometric Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), Washington, D.C., 2009.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Keystroke dynamics with Low Constraints SVM Based Passphrase Enrollment”, IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), Washington, C., 2009.
Singer, S. Trouilhet, A. Rammal, and J.M. Pécatte, “Distributed Classification: Architecture and Cooperation Protocol in a Multi-Agent System”, 4th International KES Symposium on Agents and Multi-agent Systems – Technologies and Applications, KES AMSTA 2010, LNAI 6070, Springer, part 1, Gdynia (Poland), 2010.
Trouilhet, A. Rammal, N. Singer, and J.M. Pécatte, “An Agent-Based System for Meta-Monitoring”, The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Education, Networking and Business, Med-e-Tel 2010, Luxembourg (Luxembourg), ISfTeH, ISSN 1998-5509, Vol. 3, 2010.
Trouilhet, N. Singer, J.M. Pécatte, and A. Rammal, “E-Health: from individual views to a collective one, a case study of meta-monitoring”, 2nd International Conference of E-Medical Systems, E-MEDISYS, Sfax (Tunisia), IEEE, electronic support, 2008.
Rammal, S. Trouilhet, “Keeping Elderly People at Home: A Multi‐agent Classification of Monitoring Data”, International Conference On Smart homes and health Telematics, ICOST2008, Iowa state (USA), Springer, LNCS 5120, 2008.
Ali Rammal, Nicolas Singer, Jean-Marie Pécatte et Sylvie Trouilhet, « Un outil de méta-surveillance pour le maintien à domicile », 1ère conférence internationale sur l’accessibilité et les systèmes de suppléance aux personnes en situations de handicaps, ASSISTH 2007, Toulouse (France), pp. 271-277, Novembre 2007
Ali Larab, Ali Rammal, Sylvie Trouilhet, Jean-Marie Pécatte et Nicolas Singer, « Home health care system for dependent people: application to Alzheimer disease », The 33rd International Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services, Saint-Étienne (France), 5 pages, electronic support, April 2007.
Najim Ali, G. Nassreddine, A. Arid, “Classification Using Multinomial Logistic Regression: Air Quality Application”, International Scientific Congress- XII, 2022.
Nassreddine, A. Arid. “Learning evaluation approach using belief function theory”, International congress on social sciences, china to adritic xiii. 2021
Nassereddine, J. Rizk, A. Hellany, M. Nagrial and G. Nassreddine, “overhead distribution lightning performance on joint use concrete poles with transmission lines”, melecon 2014 - 17th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Beirut, 2014.
Nassereddine, J. Rizk, A. Hellany, M. Nagrial and G. Nassreddine, “transmission lines design to meet community requirements during constructions”, melecon 2014 - 17th IEEE mediterranean electrotechnical conference, beirut, 2014.
Nassreddine. “New method of multiple model estimation using belief function theory”. LAAS 2013. LAU Lebanon, 2013.
Nassreddine, F. Abdallah and T. Denoeux. “A state estimation method for multiple model systems using belief function theory”. Fusion, seattle, washington, USA, 2009.
Nassreddine, F. Abdallah and T. Denoeux. “A new method for state estimation of dynamic system based on dempster shafer theory”. Actea, NDU lebanon. 2009.
Nassreddine, F. Abdallah and T. Denoeux. “Map matching algorithm using interval analysis and dempster-shafer theory”, IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (iv’09). Xi’an, shaanxi, china, 2009.
Nassreddine, F. Abdallah and T. Denoeux. “Map matching algorithm using belief function theory”, Fusion, 2008.