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Research Publications
College of Arts and Sciences
Book Chapters
Soloh, A. Rammal, M. El-Abed, “Brain Tumor Recognition and Classification Techniques”, ISBN: 9780443240287, Data Science in the Medical Field, Elsevier, 2024.
Nassreddine, A. Arid, M. Nassereddine, “Internet of Things in the Intelligent Transportation System”, IoT Edge Intelligence, Springer, 2024.
El samad, G. Nassredine, A. Elkheir. “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”, Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Processing: Improved Decision-Making and Prediction, Crc Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023.
Hamzeh, G. Nassreddine, J. Younis, “Blockchain in healthcare sector”, Network-Enabled IoT Applications for Smart City Services, IGI global. 2023.
Abdulmajeed, G. Nassreddine, A. Arid, J. Youniss. “Machine Learning Approach in Human Resources Department”, Artificial Intelligence Methods and Applications in Computer Engineering. IGI global, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6937-8, 2023.
Nassreddine, A. Arid. “Artificial Intelligence in Navigation Systems”. Artificial Intelligence Methods and Applications in Computer Engineering. IGI global, 2023.
Nasserddine, M. Nasserddine, A. Arid. “Internet of Things integration in Renewable Energy Systems”, Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twin, and Internet of Things for Sustainable Development. IGI global, 2023.
Nassreddine, A. Arid. “Decision Making Systems”, Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning. IGI global, 2023.
Dafer, M. El-Abed, “Evaluation of Keystroke Dynamics Authentication Systems: Analysis of Physical and Touch Screen Keyboards”, Developing Next-Generation Countermeasures for Homeland Security Threat Prevention, ISBN: 978-1-5225-0703-1, 2017.
El-Abed, P. Lacharme, and C. Rosenberger, “Privacy and Security Assessment of Biometric Systems”, Advances in Security and Privacy of Biometric Systems, Cambridge scholar publishing, ISBN: 978-1-4438-7183-9, 2015.
El-Abed, C. Charrier, and C. Rosenberger, “Evaluation of Biometric Systems”, New Trends and Developments in Biometrics, InTech, ISBN: 978-953-51- 0859-7, DOI: 5772/52084, 2012.
El-Abed, B. Hemery, J. Mahier, and C. Rosenberger, “Performance Evaluation of Biometric Systems”, Signal and Image Processing for Biometrics, ISBN 978-1-84821-285-2, ISTE-WILEY, 2012.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Keystroke Dynamics Overview”, ISBN 978-953-307-618-8, Biometrics, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/17064, 2011.
Ali Rammal, Sylvie Trouilhet, Nicolas Singer, and Jean-Marie Pécatte, “Collecting and Classifying Large Scale Data to Build an Adaptive and Collective Memory: a Case Study in e-Health for a Pro-active Management”, Multi-Agent Systems, ISBN: 978-953-307-568-6, InTech publisher, 2011.
Journal Papers
Soloh, A. El Chakik, H. Alabboud, A. Shahin, and A. Yassine.” Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on α - Expansion Graph Cut”. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 2024.
Nassereddine, G. Nassreddine. “The Impact of Continuous Potential Development Activities on Student Learning Outcomes and Employability”, International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2024.
Nassereddine, G. Nassreddine, T. ElHassan. “EV and PV Advanced Roles in Enhancing the Financial Performance of a Manufacturing and Commercial Setup”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2024.
Hussein, G. Nassreddine & I. Younis. “The Impact of Information Technology Integration on the Decision-Making Process”, Journal of Techniques, 5(1), 2023.
Mohsen, G. Nassreddine & M. Massoud. “Credit Card Fraud Detector Based on Machine Learning Techniques”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies, 5(2), 2023.
Sadeq, Z. Hamzeh, G. Nassreddine & T. ElHassan. “The impact of Blockchain technique on trustworthy healthcare sector”, Mesopotamian Journal of CyberSecurity, 2023.
Ilwani, G. Nassreddine, & J. Younis. “Machine Learning Application on Employee Promotion”, Mesopotamian Journal of Computer Science, 2023.
Nassreddine, J. Younis & T. Falahi. “Detecting Data Outliers with Machine Learning”, Al-Salam Journal for Engineering and Technology, 2(2), 2023.
Sadeq, G. Nassreddine, J. Younis. “Impact of Artificial Intelligence on E-marketing”, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, 7 (1), 2023.
Ali, G. Nassreddine, J. Younis. “Air Quality prediction using Multinomial Logistic Regression”, Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies, 4(2), 2022.
Soloh, A. El Chakik, H. Alabboud, A. Shahin, and A. Yassine. “New descriptors’ combination for 3D mesh correspondence and retrieval”, Int. J. Computational Vision and Robotics, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2022.
Nassreddine, A. Arid. “Data Fusion Technique for E-Learning Evaluation Based on Evidence Theory”, Journal of Computational and Cognitive Engineering, 2022.
Nasserddine, M. Nassereddine. “Bifacial Vertical Photovoltaic System Design for Farming Irrigation System”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), 10(2), 2022.
Tafran, M. El-Abed, Z. Osman, I. Elkabbani, “Blind Image Quality Assessment for Face Pose Problem”, BAU Journal – Science and Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 2, 2020.
Diab, A. Seif, M. El-Abed, M. Sabbah, “Individual Identification Using ECG Signals”, Journal of Computer and Communications, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2018.
El-Abed, “Usability Assessment of Keystroke Dynamics Systems”, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 55 Issue 3, 2017.
El-Abed, C. Charrier, and C. Rosenberger, “Quality Assessment of Image-based Biometric Information”, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, Springer International Publishing, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2015.
El-Abed, R. Giot, B. Hemery, and C. Rosenberger, “Evaluation of Biometric Systems: A Study of Users’ Acceptance and Satisfaction”, International Journal of Biometrics (IJBM), 4, No. 3, 2012.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Fast Computation of the Performance Evaluation of Biometric Systems: Application to Multibiometrics”, Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) Special Issue on Recent Developments in High Performance Computing and Security, Elsevier, Vol. 29, 2013.
El-Abed, R. Giot, B. Hemery, J.J. Schwartzmann, and C. Rosenberger, “Towards the Security Evaluation of Biometric Authentication Systems”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), 4, No. 3, 2012.
Mahier, B. Hemery, M. El-Abed, M. El-Allam, M. Bouhaddaoui, and C. Rosenberger, “Computation EvaBio: A Tool for Performance Evaluation in Biometrics”, International Journal of Automated Identification Technology (IJAIT), 3, No. 2, 2011.
Giot, M. El-Abed, B. Hemery, and C. Rosenberger, “Unconstrained Keystroke Dynamics Authentication with Shared Secret”, Computers & Security, Elsevier, Vol. 30, 2011.
Singer, S. Trouilhet, and A. Rammal. “Meta-monitoring using an adaptive agent-based system to support dependent people in place,” International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS), IGI Global, Vol. 3, No. 1, ISSN 1943-0744, 2011.
Rammal, S. Trouilhet, N. Singer, and J.M. Pécatte, “An Adaptive System for Home Monitoring Using a Multiagent Classification of Patterns”, International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Article ID 136054, doi:10.1155/2008/136054, 8 pages, 2008.
Nassereddine, J. Rizk, G. Nassereddine. “Soil Resistivity Structure and Its Implication on the Pole Grid Resistance for Transmission Lines”. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Open Science Index 73, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7(1), 2013.
Nassereddine, A. Hellany, J. Rizk, G. Nassreddine. “Soil Resistivity Data Computations; Single and Two - Layer Soil Resistivity Structure and Its Implication on Earthing Design”. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Open Science Index 73, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7(1), 2013.
Abdallah, G. Nassreddine and T. Denoeux. “A multiple-hypotheses map matching method suitable for weighted and box-shaped state estimation for localization”, IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems, vol. 12, issue 4, 2011.
Nassreddine, F. Abdallah. “A new state estimation method for dynamic system using interval analysis and belief function theory”. Transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics, vol. 40, issue 5, 2010.
Conference Papers
Nassreddine, A. El Arid, & M. Nasseredine. “Solar PV Power Prediction System Based on Machine Learning Approach”. In IEEE International Conference on Energy Technologies for Future Grids (ETFG), 2023.
Soloh, A. El Chakik, H. Alabboud, A. Shahin, and A. Yassine. “3D Mesh Matching using Surface Descriptor and Integer Linear Programming”, EJONS 12th International Congress on Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences, pp.338-347, 2021.
Tafran, M. El-Abed, Z. Othman, I. Elkabani, “A No-Reference Image Quality Assessment for Detecting Illumination Alteration”, IEEE 10th International Conference on Information and Communication, Jordan, 2019.
El-Abed, M. Dafer, and C. Rosenberger, “RHU Keystroke Touchscreen Benchmark”, ACM International Conference on Cyberworlds - Cybersecurity and Biometrics Track, Singapore, 2018.
Sabra, R. Zantout, M. El-Abed, L. Hamandi, “Sentiment Analysis: Arabic Sentiment Lexicons”, IEEE International Conference on Sensors, Networks, Smart, and Emerging Technologies (SENSET’17), Lebanon, 2017.
El-Abed, R. Giot, R. Bourquis, “Zoo Graph - a New Visualisation for Biometric System Evaluation”, 20th International Conference on Information Visualization, Lisbon - Portugal, 2016.
Alwan, M. El-Abed, R. Zantout, “Vehicle Recognition from Partial Images”, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computational Tools for Engineering Applications, Lebanon, 2016.
El-Abed, M. Dafer, and R. El Khayat, “RHU Keystroke: A Mobile-based Benchmark for Keystroke Dynamics Systems”, 48th IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST), Rome, Italy, 2014.
El-Abed, A. Ninassi, C. Charrier, and C. Rosenberger, “Fingerprint Quality Assessment using a No-Reference Image Quality Metric”, IEEE 21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Marrakech, Morocco, 2013.
El-Abed, P. Lacharme, and C. Rosenberger, “Security EvaBio: An Analysis Tool for the Security Evaluation of Biometric Authentication Systems”, 5th IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Biometrics (ICB), New Delhi, India, 2012.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Web-Based Benchmark for Keystroke Dynamics Biometric Systems: A Statistical Analysis”, the 8th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIHMSP), Piraeus-Athens, Greece, 2012.
Giot, A. Ninassi, M. El-Abed, C. Rosenberger, “Analysis of the Acquisition Process for Keystroke Dynamics”, IEEE International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), Darmstadt, Germany, 2012.
Belguechi, E. Cherrier, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Evaluation of Cancelable Biometric Systems: Application to Finger-Knuckle-Prints”, IEEE International Conference on Hand-Based Biometrics (ICHB), Hong Kong, 2011.
Mahier, M. El-Abed, B. Hemery, C. Rosenberger, “Towards a Distributed Benchmarking Tool for Biometrics”, IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation Conference (HPCS), Turkey, 2011.
El-Abed, R. Giot, B. Hemery, C. Charrier, and C. Rosenberger, “A SVM-Based Model for the Evaluation of Biometric Sample Quality”, SSCI 2011 CIBIM - IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management, Paris, France, 2011.
El-Abed, R. Giot, B. Hemery, and C. Rosenberger, “A Study of Users’ Acceptance and Satisfaction of Biometric Systems”, IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST), San Jose California, USA, 2010.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Fast Learning for Multibiometrics Systems Using Genetic Algorithms”, IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), Caen, France, 2010.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Keystroke Dynamics Authentication for Collaborative Systems”, IEEE International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems (CTS), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2009.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “GREYC Keystroke: a Benchmark for Keystroke Dynamics Biometric Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), Washington, D.C., 2009.
Giot, M. El-Abed, and C. Rosenberger, “Keystroke dynamics with Low Constraints SVM Based Passphrase Enrollment”, IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), Washington, C., 2009.
Singer, S. Trouilhet, A. Rammal, and J.M. Pécatte, “Distributed Classification: Architecture and Cooperation Protocol in a Multi-Agent System”, 4th International KES Symposium on Agents and Multi-agent Systems – Technologies and Applications, KES AMSTA 2010, LNAI 6070, Springer, part 1, Gdynia (Poland), 2010.
Trouilhet, A. Rammal, N. Singer, and J.M. Pécatte, “An Agent-Based System for Meta-Monitoring”, The International eHealth, Telemedicine and Health ICT Forum for Education, Networking and Business, Med-e-Tel 2010, Luxembourg (Luxembourg), ISfTeH, ISSN 1998-5509, Vol. 3, 2010.
Trouilhet, N. Singer, J.M. Pécatte, and A. Rammal, “E-Health: from individual views to a collective one, a case study of meta-monitoring”, 2nd International Conference of E-Medical Systems, E-MEDISYS, Sfax (Tunisia), IEEE, electronic support, 2008.
Rammal, S. Trouilhet, “Keeping Elderly People at Home: A Multi‐agent Classification of Monitoring Data”, International Conference On Smart homes and health Telematics, ICOST2008, Iowa state (USA), Springer, LNCS 5120, 2008.
Ali Rammal, Nicolas Singer, Jean-Marie Pécatte et Sylvie Trouilhet, « Un outil de méta-surveillance pour le maintien à domicile », 1ère conférence internationale sur l’accessibilité et les systèmes de suppléance aux personnes en situations de handicaps, ASSISTH 2007, Toulouse (France), pp. 271-277, Novembre 2007
Ali Larab, Ali Rammal, Sylvie Trouilhet, Jean-Marie Pécatte et Nicolas Singer, « Home health care system for dependent people: application to Alzheimer disease », The 33rd International Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services, Saint-Étienne (France), 5 pages, electronic support, April 2007.
Najim Ali, G. Nassreddine, A. Arid, “Classification Using Multinomial Logistic Regression: Air Quality Application”, International Scientific Congress- XII, 2022.
Nassreddine, A. Arid. “Learning evaluation approach using belief function theory”, International congress on social sciences, china to adritic xiii. 2021
Nassereddine, J. Rizk, A. Hellany, M. Nagrial and G. Nassreddine, “overhead distribution lightning performance on joint use concrete poles with transmission lines”, melecon 2014 - 17th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Beirut, 2014.
Nassereddine, J. Rizk, A. Hellany, M. Nagrial and G. Nassreddine, “transmission lines design to meet community requirements during constructions”, melecon 2014 - 17th IEEE mediterranean electrotechnical conference, beirut, 2014.
Nassreddine. “New method of multiple model estimation using belief function theory”. LAAS 2013. LAU Lebanon, 2013.
Nassreddine, F. Abdallah and T. Denoeux. “A state estimation method for multiple model systems using belief function theory”. Fusion, seattle, washington, USA, 2009.
Nassreddine, F. Abdallah and T. Denoeux. “A new method for state estimation of dynamic system based on dempster shafer theory”. Actea, NDU lebanon. 2009.
Nassreddine, F. Abdallah and T. Denoeux. “Map matching algorithm using interval analysis and dempster-shafer theory”, IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (iv’09). Xi’an, shaanxi, china, 2009.
Nassreddine, F. Abdallah and T. Denoeux. “Map matching algorithm using belief function theory”, Fusion, 2008.