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BACK TO Co-op Training Program
Co-op Training Program
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Co-op Training Program
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Policies & Procedures
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Policies & Procedures
The logistical aspects of the Co-op program shall be managed by the Co-op Coordinator associated within the Communication and Alumni Relations Office.
Training opportunities shall be approved and thereafter managed by the Co-op Coordinator in collaboration with the academic advisor.
A trainee must meet the eligibility criteria set forth in this policy to participate in the Co-op program.
A student may arrange for a training opportunity on his/her own, which should be approved by the Co-op academic advisor or, alternatively, the Co-op coordinator shall assist the student in finding a suitable training venue.
Each trainee shall be assigned a Co-op academic advisor to follow up on the trainee’s work progress throughout the Co-op period and assess the overall training experience afterward.
A student must commit to completing the training at the company mutually agreed to.
Students may register for one course during the Co-op period if it is the only course needed to graduate and the timing is approved by the employer.
The Co-op coordinator completes the Co-op training offers in consultation with the Co-op work HR/Supervisor taking into consideration employer’s needs, student’s interest and eligibility, and date of student’s application.
The trainee shall work for the employer a period equivalent to eight weeks, minimum 35hrs/week, on pre-approved tasks related to the trainee’s field of study.
Trainees must conform to the employer’s work rules and standards and must execute his/her tasks professionally and ethically.
The trainee shall directly report to and coordinate with the Co-op work supervisor on all tasks and activities.
The Co-op work supervisor cannot be a direct relative to the trainee;
The Trainee shall keep a daily record of tasks performed and lessons learned;
The trainee and the Co-op work supervisor shall submit the training assessment forms to the Co-op academic advisor at the end of the training period.
The trainee shall submit to the Co-op academic advisor the daily tasks log, a report, a poster and a power point presentation the following day of the completion of the Co-op work.
The trainee must deliver a presentation about the training experience when requested.
If the student withdraws from the Co-op course, the registrar should inform the Co-op Coordinator. The Co-op Coordinator should then inform both the Co-op academic advisor and the Co-op work supervisor.
Failing to comply with the Co-op rules and employer’s work standards will result in a failing grade.
The Co-op coordinator creates a Co-op Moodle course for eligible students in each college.
The Co-op coordinator maintains a database of prospective employers and posts job opportunities and application deadlines and communicates them to students via email and Moodle;
The Co-op Coordinator prepares a list of eligible students and send it to each college to distribute Co-op academic advisors among them.
Student may suggest an employer that is not in the posted list so long he/she gets a tentative approval from the employer and from the College academic advisor and submits the
Training Application Form
(Coop-3) to the Coop Coordinator.
A trainee seeking to pursue a training opportunity abroad must complete the
Training Abroad Application Form
(Coop-12) and submits it to the Co-op coordinator for further consideration.
The Co-op Coordinator invites eligible students to attend the Co-op orientation seminar during the semester prior to the Co-op to explain policies and procedures;
Each eligible student completes the
Training Application Form
(Coop-3) indicating three preferred Co-op venues ranked in order of priority and submits a CV (soft copy) within the assigned deadlines;
The Co-op Coordinator and academic units shall attempt to match students’ aspirations and field of study with employer’s needs. In case many multiple trainees compete for a specific training opportunity, students who apply first and meet the eligibility criteria shall be given the priority unless the employer meets them and chooses.
The Co-op coordinator completes the
Co-op Training Offer Form
(Coop-4) for each trainee and a final list, in coordination with the Registrar Office, is sent to the college with all the details after first week of the beginning of the training period.
The Co-op assignments and all related information are posted on the Co-op Moodle course page, Facebook page and via email;
The Co-op academic advisor bears the responsibility to: Correct students’ CVs, make at least one field visit and completes the visit assessment form; continuously follow up with the trainee and the work supervisor during the training period; collects the trainee’s performance assessment forms from the trainee and the work supervisor; guides the student in preparing the training report, poster and presentation and assess the submitted material; and submits a final report to the Co-op Coordinator.