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About RHU
The Founder
RHU at a Glance
Mission, Vision and Values
Leadership and Governance
Office of the President
Board of Deans
RHU Organizational Chart
Offices and Departments
Policies and Procedures
Contacts & Mailing Addresses
Prospective Students
Why RHU?
Campus Facilities
Before Applying
Meet the Team
Contact Us
Fees & Expenses
Intensive English
Non-Degree Students
Student Catalog
Online Application Forms
Admissions Guides
Financial Aid Program
College of Business Administration
College of Engineering
College of Arts and Sciences
Course Offerings
Final Examination
Student Catalog
Academic Calendar
Faculty and Staff
Alumni Association
RHU Annual Alumni Award
Alumni Impact
Alumni Services
Alumni News & Events
Alumni Social Media Pages
Alumni Career Services
Alumni Community Online
Legacy Campaign
Campaign Overview
Campaign Objectives
Message from Mrs. Nazek Rafik Hariri
Impact Stories
RHU Couples
Contribute to the Legacy
“RHU for All, RHU is Here to Stay”
Communication and Alumni Relations Office
/Digital Media
Board of Trustees
Office of the President
Office of Academics Affairs
Office of Administration and Finance
Office of Development and Information Technology
Admissions Office
Information Technology Department
Support Services Department
Human Resources Office
Registrar's Office
Finance Office
Material Management
Quality Assurance and Institutional Advancement
Co-op and Career Services Program
Communication and Alumni Relations Office
What We Do
Media Relations
Digital Media
Publication Services
Event Mangagement
Alumni Relations
Staff and Contacts
Student Affairs
Procurement and Purchasing
Digital Media
RHU Weekly
RHU Weekly is an electronic newsletter issued by RHU Development - Office of Communication and Alumni Relations in order to promote RHU news, upcoming events, and announcements. RHU Weekly is published on Monday and presents to our community of students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends most of the week’s unmissable news.
RHU welcomes new subscribers to its RHU Weekly. To subscribe enter your email in RHU Publications section at the end of the page or alternatively send us an email to
with the message "subscribe RHU Weekly".
If you wish to have your events included in our upcoming issue of RHU Weekly or if you wish to make any announcement, you are urged to fill out a press release form and send it to on Thursdays before 4:00 pm (for winter hours) and 2:00 pm (for summer hours). Where Thursday is a holiday, please email us on the last working day before Thursday.
First come first serve basis applies to all the announcements we receive, as there is a limitation on how many announcements can be published in every newsletter issue.
Press Release Form
Download PDF
Social Media
Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input that allow people to share or exchange information, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. Websites and applications dedicated to forums, microblogging, and social networking are among the different types of social media.
At a university with so much to share, it should come as no surprise that RHU has a presence on a wide range of social media platforms. By using online social media applications, the University is can better extend its brand and presence in mediums used extensively by students, faculty, and alumni. RHU Development - Office of Communication and Alumni Relations is responsible for the administration of RHU’s main social media outlets to include RHU’s Active Social Media Channels: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, Flickr, Instagram.
RHU Development - Office of Communication and Alumni Relations also created an Alumni Group on Facebook. This is a closed group. Anyone can find it and see who's in it. However, only members of this group can see, like, and comment on its posts.
All RHU Colleges, Offices or Groups who have or wish to have their own social media presence should notify the Office Communication and Alumni Relations. The Office is not responsible for departments, which do not notify the office of their social media presence. To qualify for Social Media presence please contact us.
With the emergence of social media and its ever growing use by RHU most important constituents, including prospective and current students in particular, it has become increasingly important to organize social media presence for the University or University constituents, please refer to RHU Social Media Policy and General Guidelines for more information.
In compliance with the web redesign authorized by RHU and its Website Committee, and in coordination with RHU’s Office of Information Technology (IT), RHU Development - Office of Communication and Alumni Relations has to approve any information to be posted on RHU website and the news and events to be posted on the homepage. It has the right to remove outdated information, refuse or remove links from RHU website relevant to information that contradicts the mission of the University or its policies and procedures.
News & Events
To help you promote your events, announcements and news; kindly contact us with your requests for RHU Weekly, RHU Website (homepage for current news and announcements), RHU Social Media outlets, RHU Media outlets (TV, newspaper, magazines) .
RHU Development - Office of Communication and Alumni Relations writes press releases for you, publicizing your research, achievements, events, and news. A press release is a document that announces the news or events associated with the University - communication of which provides benefit to the University. It also acts as an invitation for the press. The media are likely to want to follow up on the information they have read, viewing your press release as an invitation to get in touch. You will NOT be expected to write your own press release, but to provide the information needed to write it in a timely manner.
To help us write a press release please fill the Press Release Form and email it to
within a maximum of 24 hours of the event date and time.
Our Office works with all sorts of media including print publications in all formats, broadcast, and electronic. We also produce the university's main web pages and social media channels.